Solid Sequel to Devil May Cry 3 with Great Mechanics and Depth to it. Dante's Moveset is Great and Nero Adds a lot to the Combat. However The Poor Level design, Backtracking along with Annoyingly Designed Enemies and Bosses hurt the experience a lot in the long run, Thankfully It paved the way for DMCV.

Great game all things considered. Ending is gutwrenching.


Knack is pretty gud hence the Memes.

Hands down the most baller action game I've played in a while.


1st game beat in 2023.

Quake wears it's old shooter like a badge of honor and it still holds up super well years later even with the rise of the ''Boomer Shooters'' with Mood 2016.

Got to this game about a Year and half later then most.

Ratchet and Clank is a series that really meant a lot to me growing up as a kid. Starting from it's humble beginnings on the PS2, Then Jumping to the PS3 with the future trilogy before starting to lose Steam in the Early to mid 2010s. ( The Remake was fine) It had me Thinking ''Imagine a True Next Gen Ratchet and Clank title''

Fast forward to 2023 being a proud owner of a PS5 I can say that Rift Amazing.

Right off the Bat this game starts off from the events of a Crack in time with the titular duo having a celebration for their 20 plus years of heroics. Clank surprises ratchet with a new Dimensionator with the promise to find all the other lombaxes until Dr nefarious swoops and messes up reality.

Core gameplay is basically an upgraded Crack in time with some new tricks that spice the gameplay up. Rift Pull and the Phantom dash are great Mechanics that should stay in future games. Ratchet's Core arsenal is Very solid ( Topiestray Sprinkler ftw) albeit with some Ehhh Late game weapons that feel a bit useless. Platforming is solid as usual with some new stuff like the Speetlebugs that give me vibes from Crash's 2 polar bear levels.

Rivet and Kit are Very fun characters that play off each other very well helped by the Stellar voice direction and writing. I actually busted out laughing one time over a Cutscene with a particular character that I won't spoil.

Also Visually this game is freaking gorgeous. but yeah Rift apart is a great game that appeals to both old and new fans.

Solid Launch title for the PS5 that does falter a bit compared to 2018 but still a good time.

Bought this off a sale awhile back in June. Campaign is very fun minus the boss fight with graves in the tank (which almost made me RQ the campaign). Really enjoyed the Characters especially Ghost and Soap.


Hands down one of the best co op shooters I've played in a long time. If you want a mix of Starship troopers and EDF then this is your game.

Very Charming and Wholesome little indie platformer. Hats off to the team for this solid Retro throwback to 5/6th gen platformers of the Past.

A Superb return to Form to Namco's 3d Weapons Based Fighter. Soul Calibur has Returned Better then Ever!

Decided to Revisit this game for the nostalgia.

MW1 looking it at now holds up very well 15 years later. Some minor gripes with the AI but the Strong setpieces and gripping narrative are still Great.

Really fun Zeldalike game with a charming artstyle and some really sick boss fights especially towards the end. Defo worth playing.

Superb Beat em up All around. Definitely a Must play for fans of the Genre.

Hands down the most Fun I've had in a fighting game in a long while. Street fighter 6 SLAPS.