Now this is a game I'm very split on.

The combat system has a lot of cool tricks though is bogged down tedious it feels at times, I really hate the mechanic of your abilities getting busted when taking too much on top of having a very slow running speed. I do like Red and the swords designs a lot, maybe I'll pick this game up again at a latter point in time.

Solid remake of a Ps1 classic. The definitve way to play the Original IMHO.


One of the best roguelites I've played in a long time. Artstyle is top tier kino.

''Dead or Alive you are coming with me''

Really fun Zeldalike game with a charming artstyle and some really sick boss fights especially towards the end. Defo worth playing.

Holy shit I should've played this game when it released last year in 2023.

Hi fi rush is a huge departure from tangos previous works by being a Rythym hack and slach game that takes elements from Guitar hero and mixing them into a blender with a hint of Devil may cry and Jet set radio and what do you get?

One of the most FUN action games I've played in a very long time. Seriously in a era of endless rehashes of various franchises this game felt like a breath of fresh air that Harkens back to 00s cartoons all while having beautiful artstyle and goated ost to compliment it.



Hands down one of the best co op shooters I've played in a long time. If you want a mix of Starship troopers and EDF then this is your game.

Coming hot off the heels of the excellent Tekken 7, Tekken 8 does not disappoint at all.

Now I see why this game got a sequel. Fantastic story and characters marked with a banger ost (Poets of the fall FTW) Gameplay is on the weaker side but it doesn't take away from a classic.

Admittedly I had some doubts and fears about this game since it was touted as much smaller game along with Kiryu stepping back into the protagonist role again but safe to say Gaiden really hits the mark for me.

Taking place years after Yakuza 6, Kiryu is thrust back into the new identity as Joryu in a sort of Interquel around Y7 to Y8. Really dig the new agent style a lot with being able to pull out more tricks out that would make James bond blush. It's nice to RGG rework the dragon of dojima fighting style completely along with bringing back some heat moves from pre Dragon engine games.

I spent a good majority of my time in the side content along with Awesome arena fights which takes Clan creator from Y6 but Improves upon it significantly. A lot of the new characters were very memorable (Akame, Shishido and Tsurono) and I honestly legit Teared up at the ending of the game. I'm very excited to see the direction RGG is taking this series by the time Infinite wealth drops in January next year. But yeah a Good game all around.

A Constant thrill ride from start to finish that never lets up while having one of the coolest Gaming robots ever. Seriously play this game.

Very solid remake of the 1st mafia game that breathes new life into a cult classic from 2002.

Bought this off a sale awhile back in June. Campaign is very fun minus the boss fight with graves in the tank (which almost made me RQ the campaign). Really enjoyed the Characters especially Ghost and Soap.

Still an intense and Adrenaline pumped campaign 14 years later.