While I somewhat liked the different storylines and how impactful your own decisions are, the "game" once more confirmed that I need more gameplay than walking around and some QTEs thrown in every now and then in order to enjoy myself.

This game can be quite confusing at the beginning, as only within 5 minutes of starting it you will be confronted with many different mechanics and synergies. But once you have had time to get used to its systems, Magicka 2 is quite fun to play, especially in couch coop.

I very much enjoyed its humor and the consequences of the chaotic gameplay and the always on "friendly fire".

Just a goofy game, very "meh". Was fun for a bit in couch-coop, but it gets old very quickly.

I had heard many good things about this game, and while the atmosphere was great, most of the puzzles were pretty basic. The game doesn't overstay its welcome, however, and is definitely worth a playthrough.

FF X-2: Probably among the weakest entries in the series. I didn't enjoy the overall theme of the game, the story (the ending doesn't help) nor the dressphere system.


I generally adore speedrun-focused games. Bound is one such game, and is additionally really unique in its artstyle and presentation.

Despite being in 3D, Bound doesn't require too much precision and thus still feels great to play and sequence-break, although there are still a few moments where the camera can be your worst enemy.

Also, the 100% speedrun can be a pain, as some of the collectibles blend with the background and can easily be missed.

Really cool arcade game with a good learning curve and some decent challenging content in form of level-challenges, which were truly fun to go for.

After completing all Pro-challenges, RAD mode was fairly easy to complete as well.

A fast-paced precision platformer with a character that is a joy to move around. Simple controls and straightforward artstyle allow the player to focus on the king: the platforming gameplay.

Initially I thought I would play through this game once, but I ended up liking it so much that I ended up completing all worlds deathless, which, while by no means the hardest feat, felt incredibly satisfying to achieve.

This is it, my most replayed and my favorite entry in the Final Fantasy series. I love everything about it: The fleshed-out and goofy characters, the combat system, Tetra Master (well, except how random it is), the sidequests and minigames, the soundtrack,... Playing this game is a joy every single time.

A game that tries to do its own thing with the "dismemberment" mechanic and futuristic setting, and one that is actually pretty fun. There are only a handful of bosses in the entire game, which is a shame, and trash-mobs can decimate you in no time, which forces you to either play carefully, or abuse the running-attack with the staff, which is what I did.

The first DLC is fantastic and offers a creepy setting. The second DLC, however, is absolute, repetitive garbage and nothing more than a cash-grab.

A fun game in coop. What makes it stand out from other dungeon crawlers is the limited options for character progression. While this might sound like a bad thing, it actually is not: Not being able to "outplay" anything by simply finding broken builds or making your character overly powerful forces you to become better at the game itself if you want to tackle its harder challenges.

Really fun and hectic game, perfect for couch-coop! Can easily be played with someone that is not necessarily well-versed with videogames.

Having enjoyed the original game, I bought this one immediately when it surprise-dropped out of nowhere.

Being able to play in couch-coop and figure puzzles out together made the initial casual playthrough really fun. Then, I moved on to completing the time-trials, though solo this time, which were the highlight for me.


What a game! Furi was my introduction to "challenging" games, and man what an introduction it was. Beating the game was already rewarding enough, but beating it again on Furier, going for S-ranks and noticing how you can keep improving at the game was an experience unlike any other I had had with videogames up to that point.

And let's not forget the OST... Extremely fitting for the game, and an OST I keep as a playlist for whenever I have to focus.

Beautiful game. Although I'm not usually a fan of slow-paced games, the story in this game was captivating, and each sequence unique. The game is fairly short, too, and doesn't overstay its welcome.