The game starts out strong, with a fun sequence that can get a "wow, nice!" out of you. It stays somewhat fun until the end, but the highs from the first level are not reached again.

This metroidvania is a throwback to old classics in the genre, but additionally oozes with personality. Very much "Metal" from start to finish, with an amazing boss design (visually at least) and gory combat.

A bit punishing in certain sections, especially when you are trying to complete the game without dying.

Very short but great game, with a similar feel to the studio's Slain: Back from Hell, albeit with a more futuristic touch and focus on ranged instead of melee combat. Still as Metal, though.

I enjoyed this one a lot, with the highlight being combining the sub-2h speedrun and sub 10 deaths playthrough into one.

Fantastic couch-coop game that can be played also with anyone that is not well-versed with videogames, resulting in fun, chaotic moments.
But even if you yell at the monitor every now and then, you will be coming back to get those 3 stars. It's just so much fun!


Short but sweet. With an eerie atmosphere and clever puzzles, Limbo is a game that will be stuck in your head long after beating it.

There cannot be enough praise for this game. Hollow Knight excels at everything it does.

Gorgeous aesthetics, deceivingly deep combat with a simple but effective character customization system and, my personal highlight, an incredible OST. The game works a lot with musical themes, and even tells stories with its compositions. It's fantastic.

From a gameplay perspective, exploring Hallownest is really fun and the size of the world is simply mindblowing. Enemies are varied and fun to engage, and Bosses are very well designed.

The game is fairly easy unless you want to tackle its optional challenges. Completing the Pantheon of Hallownest, a gauntlet of 42 bosses back to back with a single life, was really daunting, but I felt an immense sense of satisfaction when I finally succeeded.

What a dumpster fire of a game. Bland characters and slow, clunky combat that can just be broken by using run-attacks with heavy weapons, an uninspired plot and lackluster bosses.

The DLC is somehow even worse.

I somewhat enjoyed my time with this game, the ranged combat meant approaching fights in a way I wasn't used to, and the setting definitely is unique.

However, there are many cuestionable design choices and issues, for example invisible enemies that spawn in front of you out of thin air, throw a sticky grenade at you and disappear again before you can react. They result in specific areas being more trial-and-error instead of being able to observe the situation and develop a strategy on how to approach those sections.

I finished the game 7 times (NG up to NG++++, then twice more to get all curses in "The Mask of Pain" DLC), and I never saw anything that would make NG+ cycles worthwhile.

The DLCs did nothing to improve the game.

FF XII is the first mainline entry that takes a departure from turn-based combat and instead introduces the "Gambit system", which really allows you to du crazy stuff and is fun to play around.

The story this time is rather complex and political, and may not be for everyone, but I personally like it. And besides the main plot, hunting all bounties and rare monsters was a lot of fun.

I played the original back when it released, and have replayed this game many times over the years. While not my favorite entry in the series, I always have a great time returning to this one.

Fleshed-out characters and a dark, well-told story, and one of the most iconic villains in the series. And besides that, really fun secrets, minigames and optional content to enjoy.

My favorite game by Housemarque by far. Fast-paced gameplay accompained by an OST with hard and straightforward beats to keep you focused, and colorful visuals. Nex Machina is an arcade game that is a joy to master.

You will be constantly hit by waves of enemies, all of which fill the screen in colorful explotions when they are defeated. There are lasers to dodge and walls of projectiles to avoid. However, the game never feels visually too chaotic.

I completed a 1CC run and a full Veteran Run, which were really fun to do, but moved away after beating the first area on Master difficulty.

This one is a bit difficult to rate. On one hand, I enjoyed how tense the game is, the mental struggle of the protagonist and how the game makes you feel that struggle yourself.

On the other hand, the gameplay (both the puzzle solving and the combat) were pretty basic. I enjoyed traversing the world more than any of the combat encounters.

It's a disgrace that this game has "Trials" in the name. None of the qualities that make a Trials game exceptional and satisfying are present in whatever this game is. Bad motorcycle physics, a lot of gimmicky gameplay with jetpacks, mine carts and swinging ropes and incredibly bad on-foot section. One has to wonder how the platforming can be implemented to feel so incredibly bad.

The humor and constant references are also more embarrassing than anything else.

Avoid, unless you just want to complete the series.. In which case go into the game expecting anything but Trials.

Having never played the original but knowing about how crazy some players are about this game, I went into this one with high expectations. They were only partially met.

I enjoyed some parts of the game, mostly the feeling of attempting to take down the enormous bosses with nothing but a sword and bow, going into each fight feeling at a huge disadvantage.

However, the world is too vast for it being so empty, the collecetibles feel pointless, and the gameplay during fights is more frustrating than fun.

The best part were the Time Attacks on Hard mode.

As good if not better than the original. The platforming gameplay is still really fun, and combat has even been improved thanks to a more useful Pollo-form.

Furthermore, the devs didn't give a shit about negative feedback from the first game regarding its humor and memes, and even doubled down on it. It's great.