What a game... Hyper Light Drifter quickly became one of my favorite games thanks to its gorgeous pixel-art style, amazing OST and unexpectedly deep combat. Exploration is fun, with secrets hidden around every corner, arena-style fights against varied enemy types, and a great roster of bosses waiting for you. The latter can be fought back to back in the "Boss Rush" DLC, and doing so with the "Nacked Loadout" was really cool.

Both the Hard Mode playthrough and a deathless playthrough were fun and are among my highlights with this fantastic game.

I know there are a lot of people that find this game excellent. I am not one of those people.

While I could appreciate the references to classic RPGs and some of the humor, I really did not have a good time with this game, nor do I appreciate what it tries to do.

Might resonate with others, but to me it's definitely one of the worst games I have played.

A short game I played in couch-coop and had a decently good time. However, it doesn't do much story- or gameplay-wise, and thus its short length is appreciated.

There definitely is a good game here. What I enjoyed the most was exploration, using mounts, sneaking up on enemies, avoiding large packs of dangerous robotic enemies... The plot was also engaging and made me wanna move on with the main story.

This game was a weird but oddly good one. The premise is simple: You and a single arrow that you can call back, against huge bosses. Each boss is unique, and figuring out how to take it down is that this game is initially all about. Once you know how, though, you can tackle the game's various challenges: Speedruns, Hard- and Iron-Mode playthroughs, No-Roll mode... All of which are satisfying to complete.

I just don't seem to enjoy slow games. The initial playthrough was somewhat fine, but I can't say that I was captivated by the plot. Playing through the game a second time, and then a third for the "silent" playthrough really bored me to tears.

I'd describe this one as a successful return to the franchise. The tantrum-throwing Kratos is luckily gone, and in his place we have a character that you can actually somewhat sympathize with. The game looks fantastic and has decent gameplay.

My biggest issue with it is are the lackluster puzzles and lack of boss / enemy variety.

Meh. I was expecting more, the game became really boring pretty quickly. When playing in coop, the second player has only very limited and not very satisfying gameplay options.

Cute but rather disappointing game.

While I prefer the fast gameplay from later titles, this entry still is a joy to play and has something that is lacking in all subsequent titles: An interconnected, cohesive world.

Definitely a game that, despite taking a quality nose-dive in the second half, has aged relatively well and still offers engaging gameplay.

The first and probably last Persona-game I will play. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, and while initially I was intrigued by the "socializing" part of the game, I noticed pretty quickly that I just don't care about that. So, I hoped that at least the RPG aspect would draw me in... But it didn't. Basic and straightforward, there was just not much to it. It was also infuriating how often the game would recap the events that had just happened minutes before, assuming that players have the attention-span of a fruitfly.

Probably a good game overall, just not for me.

Having enjoyed the original game, I bought this one immediately when it surprise-dropped out of nowhere.

Being able to play in couch-coop and figure puzzles out together made the initial casual playthrough really fun. Then, I moved on to completing the time-trials, though solo this time, which were the highlight for me.

A fun game in coop. What makes it stand out from other dungeon crawlers is the limited options for character progression. While this might sound like a bad thing, it actually is not: Not being able to "outplay" anything by simply finding broken builds or making your character overly powerful forces you to become better at the game itself if you want to tackle its harder challenges.

A game that tries to do its own thing with the "dismemberment" mechanic and futuristic setting, and one that is actually pretty fun. There are only a handful of bosses in the entire game, which is a shame, and trash-mobs can decimate you in no time, which forces you to either play carefully, or abuse the running-attack with the staff, which is what I did.

The first DLC is fantastic and offers a creepy setting. The second DLC, however, is absolute, repetitive garbage and nothing more than a cash-grab.

A fast-paced precision platformer with a character that is a joy to move around. Simple controls and straightforward artstyle allow the player to focus on the king: the platforming gameplay.

Initially I thought I would play through this game once, but I ended up liking it so much that I ended up completing all worlds deathless, which, while by no means the hardest feat, felt incredibly satisfying to achieve.

As good if not better than the original. The platforming gameplay is still really fun, and combat has even been improved thanks to a more useful Pollo-form.

Furthermore, the devs didn't give a shit about negative feedback from the first game regarding its humor and memes, and even doubled down on it. It's great.