A good game on paper, Descenders is definitely a fun game, but there is no reason for it being a roguelike. There is no incentive for taking risks and going fast, and no penalties for taking it slow and playing carefully.

That means that beating it's toughest challenges, such as completing an entire run without bailing, or reaching the secret areas in Career / Career +, are not necessarily excillerating experiences but rather boring, slow, careful runs.

Not having any experience with "Shmups", I had no idea I would enjoy this one so much. The game looks and plays fantastic, and becomes a game of memorization, which I really enjoyed a ton.

The journey to "Dies Irae", being promoted to General of the Air Force was filled with challenging and rewarding tasks, such as completing a stage on Insane without pickups, destroying 100% of all bosses with the primary weapon only, or completing each stage in Score Attack with a ranking of at least A.

Fantastic experience, and one that made me want to play more Shmups in the future.

It's a disgrace that this game has "Trials" in the name. None of the qualities that make a Trials game exceptional and satisfying are present in whatever this game is. Bad motorcycle physics, a lot of gimmicky gameplay with jetpacks, mine carts and swinging ropes and incredibly bad on-foot section. One has to wonder how the platforming can be implemented to feel so incredibly bad.

The humor and constant references are also more embarrassing than anything else.

Avoid, unless you just want to complete the series.. In which case go into the game expecting anything but Trials.

I'm sure Titanfall 2 is a fantastic game.. if you like these types of games. Having claimed it on PS+, it quickly reminded me that I just don't enjoy (FP) shooters.

However, what this game really has going for it is the incredibly satisfying movement. That's also the reason why beating the Gauntlet time was probably the most fun I had with the game.


A great looking roguelike with tons of personality, and with a unique "mutation" system to grant your character his powers on each run.

However, the game quickly becomes repetitive, and completing the Tome of the Ancients and all Tasks from each faction becomes a boring slog eventually.

A good game and even better remake. Demon's Souls looks gorgeous and feels responsive.
However, there are many aspects of this game that feel dated, especially after having played the games that came after it (at least after the original one).

Without a doubt the easiest and shortest FromSoft "Souls" game, with no single boss encounter posint too much of a challenge.

Very unique mix between Rhythm Game and RPG. You are facing battles against visually stunning enemies and casting your attacks by completing rhythm sequences. Stronger attacks require longer combos. Cast offensive spells, heal your party members, etc...

Status effects are quite fun, too. Your notes start disappearing if you are "blind", or spin around if you are "dizzy"... It's really well done.

The OST was not quite my thing, but it wasn't terrible either.


This is a initially very weird game, with a unique and unusual artstyle, and an irritating story progression.

I played once through the game on Insane difficulty and saw everthing there was to see (including the secret boss), and while I enjoyed many moments and definitely the boss fights, I often felt like the game was not respecting my time. Trains running on schedules will have you waiting for long periods of time, for progressing the story you will be forced to spend a long time chasing unfun "chores" to complete, etc...

The boss rushes were fun. However, Boss Rush: Impossible is set to "Hard" on Playstation without the possibility to change it, making it borderline impossible to complete unless you use a glitch to double your health pool (which is almost necessary).

Not the best game by Housemarque, but a decent experience nonetheless. The platforming feels a bit too clunky here for my liking, and I personally don't necessarily enjoy the futuristic, more serious setting (serious compared to other games by the studio), but I still had a good time with Matterfall.


I needed a while to get used and enjoy the momentum-based platforming. But once I did, N++ became a really enjoyable platformer unlike any other game in the genre. Momentum is really what this game is all about, and once you master the mechanics, moving around each level at lightning speed feels amazing.

The game feels a tad too long though. I completed everything including the X-rows in solo and legacy, which amounted to roughly 1435 levels (including some coop and race required for the platinum trophy) and by the time I was done I felt a bit exhausted.

While the return to 2D certainly improved the game compared to the previous entry, and Trine 4 looks great, the gameplay is still not polished.
Clunky platforming and puzzles that can be broken without even trying make for a very "meh" experience, where you will be laughing with your coop partners more about the game than really because of it.

Aiii... Going 3D was definitely not the right move. The game is even clunkier than the previous entries, and puzzles can oftentimes be solved in unintended ways without really wanting to.

This metroidvania is a throwback to old classics in the genre, but additionally oozes with personality. Very much "Metal" from start to finish, with an amazing boss design (visually at least) and gory combat.

A bit punishing in certain sections, especially when you are trying to complete the game without dying.


The game is overall quite fun for one playthrough, with good humor and nice level design / gameplay, although nothing really special.

However, for a game that wants you to finish a playthrough in a single credit, it sure is way too chaotic, and avoiding every single source of damage oftentimes quite impossible.

Short RPG that can definitely scratch the "oldschool RPG"-itch. However, it doesn't manage to stand out in any particular way.

Completing the slippery game drove me insane, and I had to shelve the game for a year before I felt like returning to it and managed to clear it.