Over the top Hack'n'Slash with straightforward combat, awesome setpieces and an insufferable protagonist. Fun for a playthrough or two.

FF X: This is one of the entries in the FF series that I've replayed the most. Great group of characters, fantastic storytelling, and the game doesn't take itself too seriously.

The HD version looks great, and while going for 100% completion was a bit of a grind, it was fun from start to finish.

FF X-2: Probably among the weakest entries in the series. I didn't enjoy the overall theme of the game, the story (the ending doesn't help) nor the dressphere system.

Fantastic game with both fun and intricate combat (at least on Death March), as well as an engaging story. The world seems alive, the quests meaningful. Both DLCs are fantastic, massive and a joy to play through.

Also Gwent... What a great minigame!

My first experience with FromSoft titles, and what an experience it was! I adored the setting, the atmosphere, the grotesque enemies... And the combat. Satisfying, fast, visceral.

The storytelling was unlike anything I had experienced up to that point, but the game was so compelling that I spent hours upon hours reading up on lore, watching lore videos and just generally learning about Yharnam and its inhabitants.

I had heard many good things about this game, and while the atmosphere was great, most of the puzzles were pretty basic. The game doesn't overstay its welcome, however, and is definitely worth a playthrough.

What a game. The atmosphere immediately drew me in, and the fast combat was fun from start to finish.

Great boss quality throughout (obviously there are a few that are rather hit&miss), good level design despite levels being isolated, and very good DLC.

I played the original back when it released, and have replayed this game many times over the years. While not my favorite entry in the series, I always have a great time returning to this one.

Fleshed-out characters and a dark, well-told story, and one of the most iconic villains in the series. And besides that, really fun secrets, minigames and optional content to enjoy.

Good game for a single playthrough, frustrating game to complete 100%. Collecting all "hints" bored me to death, as the game forces you to play like a 2-year old.

Otherwise, it was a unique experience, but unfortunately not one I remember for the good parts of the game.

Beautiful game. Although I'm not usually a fan of slow-paced games, the story in this game was captivating, and each sequence unique. The game is fairly short, too, and doesn't overstay its welcome.

Pretty good game with fun combat, loads of emotional moments and a fantastic soundtrack to keep you going.

What could have been a disjointed mess ended up being surprisingly great experience, as I never knew what the game would throw at me next.

The game starts out strong, with a fun sequence that can get a "wow, nice!" out of you. It stays somewhat fun until the end, but the highs from the first level are not reached again.

I had a good time with this one. I generally enjoy 2D games a lot, and this one offers a grim and dark, oppressive atmosphere and fun combat.

The skill-tree is not the most intuitive though, and can be unnecessarily overwhelming for a game that is otherwise relatively straightforward.

This was a game with a unique mechanic that was fun at the beginning but became a bit boring as the game continued. Not a bad game by any means, just not one that resonated with me too much.

With a cute character and beautiful Scandinavian scenery, Unravel is a unique platformer with a strong emphasis on puzzle solving and not so much on precision.

The game is on the easy side and could have been more challenging, even the deathless runs through each level are relatively easy to achieve.