You will learn games you don’t know, AND YOU ARE GONNA LIKE IT!

Probably one of if not the best 2D platformers made by Nintendo. Good difficulty where it’s challenging but not unfair, bosses are fun and the music is top notch. Oh, and prepare for the secret world.

The jump ruined everything and the music had to clean up its mess

Very very good but little urge to replay it until a long while later killed it

Apparently this game is a you love it or you hate it kinda deal but personally I love the game, though the fun factor kinda relies on who you’re up against and who you’re teamed with like some other games

It’s peak (not based on nostalgia, now why would you think that ahahahahaha)

The fact it doesn’t cram ads down your throat like most modern mobile games is enough to make me like it

Not bad for a first outing, then again most games in the series are great (except snapped, that one I repress). Other games have more variety and such but not taking into account the hardware.

Great overall though with some questionable game choices (yeah I know Ms Pac-Man is in legal limbo but still).

the dude who shot down this games release in the west was right, this is torture but mario themed. hope you play this on a rewind capable emulator!

Real ones use this to draw fr (it needs a hex code input tho)

a lot about this game aged incredibly well, from gameplay to the jokes (a few becoming too real) and the characters. and yes wheatley is 1000x better as a character in this day and age due to comparisons that can be made between him and a certain someone ;)

one of the best kirby games out there, though kirby feels too slow in my opinion