Game was definetlly ahead of its release time, graphics is still good after nearly 16 years since launch.
Story is a great introduction to the Assassins Creed trilogy.
Unfortunatelly, theres a lot of missions wich are repeating, but its not that bad.
Definetlly worth the play if you are interested in the Assassins Creed story.

(Copied from my steam review)

Very underrated game, with good parkour and story.
Even the DLC (Dead kings) is free, so totally worth the money.

(Copied from my steam review)

Not really an assassin style type game, but still very enjoyble. Especially if u like The Witcher 3, bcs gameplay style is similar.

(Copied from my steam review)

Worth the time if you are interested in the Assassins Creed lore.
Graphics and mechanism is still pretty basic, but keep in mind that this is a 13 year old game.

(Copied from my steam review)

If u think of yourself, that you have good reflexes and can be calm in stressful and frustrating situations, this game could be worth the couple of euros, that it costs.
Overall, it is a great platform game wich needs an update very quick, for more content and options.
Becose after you complete all of the main levels,
theres only playerbase made levels and couple of achivments into it.
The update is work in progress, but nobody knows when its going to be released.

(Copied from my steam review)

One of the biggest and detailed game i have ever played.
Since launch, the amount of bugs and glitches is getting lower and lower, but there are still some left.
Remained bugs and glitches are really not that bad, and its not gonna affect the experience much, from what i witnessed.
As a person who mostly focus on the story and graphical side of the game, i would say its deffinetly worth your time.
The main story lenght is not big, but also not small. However, if you want to learn about Cyberpunks universe more, it can take a 100 hours or even more.
I played Cyberpunk on GTX 1050Ti and Intel core I5 With 12 gb of ram, and it ran quite good on low graphic settings.
Even tho i played on low graphics, i didnt even noticed that.

Overall i think Cyberpunks potential is very big, and it could offer way more then now.
So iam very exited to see first big DLC for the game :).

Its 10/10 game, if you dont look at the bugs.

(Copied from my steam review)

Assassins Creed Brotherhood is a game following the story of Assassins Creed 2. Even tho theres just one city in the game (rome), the content is still pretty large. Graphics is still decent to this day.
Finished the game in 18 hours, even tho i didnt do much of side quests.
Overall its a good Assassins Creed classic definetly worth playing if you know the story from AC2.


(Copied from my steam review)

Assassins creed Revelations is a sequel to Assassins creed brotherhood, and also last game in the Ezio franchise.
For those who dont know, Ezio is a main protagonist in AC2, AC brotherhood and AC revelations.
Set in the 16th century in mainly Constantinopole (now Istanbul), the story is following aged Ezio trying to find and solve Altairs secrets.
Game and the map is visible smaller then the other previous games.
Which is not a big problem for story enjoyers, because the story is covering missing parts in Altairs life enough.
Only new feature that i found fun was the new hookblade.
The other features as bomb crafting and basically towerdefense side missions were interesting, but i would say not enough.
Overall its a decent game, but i would not buy it for the full price.

(Copied from my steam review)

Farcry 5 was, and for me still is a very fun game, with interesting story.
Why is it a good game? Well, first of all, the story.
You play as a police "offcier", trying to destroy a dangerous cult in montana.
After the one of the most badass videogame intros, you find your self kind of trapped in that location.
So "naturaly" to save your self, you must kill 3 cult-heads to get to your main opponent.
As it is usual with Farcry, theres multiple endings to this game.
Some hidden, some not at all.

For game mechanics/design, i must say i enjoyed it, even tho some random events as "shooting down a car with hostages" can get kind of repetetive, its not that bad and i nearly didnt noticed it.
As i said above, there are 3 cult-heads.
Every cult-head has its own reagon.
To "beat" the specific cult-head, you must collect enough "resistance points" to reach him/her.
You get "resistance points" basically for everything, so its not that hard.

For graphics/optimilazation i have to say its better then i expected.
It ran very well on my pc with gtx 1050ti
With basic graphics.
Even tho i didnt played with the highest graphics, it still looked very good.

Overall its 8/10, and i recommend playing it in coop because its more fun.
Atleast it was for me.

(Copied from my steam review)

Detroit become human is story adventure game based in the future year 2038.

The story is about three androids.
Kara, Markus and Connor.
Each of these androids have different backstory, but the main thing that they have in common is the target.
The target is being free from the human "slavery".
As for the story, the game is very interactive.
There are 85 different endings to the game, and lots of dilematic decisions you have to make while experiencing the adventure of the three main protagonists.

Controlls can be wierd at the start of your journey, but its not that hard to get used to.

Graphical aspect of the game is very good, and it ran quite well with low/mid pc.

As for the game mechanics, it can be tricky sometimes, because quick time events are playing huge part in the game.
Which sometimes leads to accidental decidions.
Overall, i really enjoyed it, and recommend it even with the full price.

(Copied from my steam review)

What i enjoyed/liked

The best thing from things i enjoyed in this game gotta be the combat.
I dont really play single player fps games, but damn, once i learned how to properly use and combine abilities i gained during the playtrough. The fast combat was very enjoyble and didnt feel repepetive even after like 20th outpost.

I also enjoyed the "TV arena" which was a good "dungeon".

Another enjoyble thing was random events.
Even tho there wasnt much of it, i found pretty interesting just riding trough a desert and seeing authority ships just destroying some npcs or just randomly meeting a guy to race or a "vehicle boss".

Things i DIDNT enjoyed/liked

Even tho this game isnt focused on story,
I still gotta say that i didnt liked it much even tho it aint that bad.
Story overall is pretty short, and not much interesting.
Idea is not that bad and the story missions were pretty enjoyble because they were basically about the combat. Which as i said, the combat is very good.

I also didnt liked the racing.
I only raced once in this game, and that was only because it was a main mission.
It isnt bad completely, but i found it pretty boring.
Just normal racing with a track and a limited "super boost".

Final thing that got me kinda mad was a bug, that is very annoying and isnt fixed after 4 years?
Basically after you complete mission before the final mission, theres a pretty high chance that the location of the final mission is not gonna show on the map.
Which means, that you cant finish the game even tho you can go to the exact location.
The "bug fix" is pretty simple.
Just replay a part of the almost final mission again and your good.
So if you didnt saved your game in that exact spot, you must do your progress over again.
As i said very annoying especially if you completed a huge part of the map after the problematic mission.


Overall i feel like its definetlly not worth it buying for the full price.


Above avarage but still not that good.
If you want to experience fun fps combat, the game is for you.

(copied from my steam review)

Assassins creed 3 was an interesting game.
Let me explain.
You dont start as the "main" character.
Instead, you start as his father, and play as him for around the first 3 hours.
I wouldnt say its a bad thing, because it explains some things to the story, but it was a surprise.
After you finally reach the opening, you can finally play as the main character.
But theres a twist, you play in the "children" days of the main character "Connor".
Fortunatelly the children days arent that long as the opening, so the story is finally gonna open.

I personally liked the story with "Connor" in it, even the character wasnt that bad as some people say.
But still, it isnt near the best in the franchise.

For the modern story, i didnt liked only 2 things.
1 - the ending.
2 - mission with collecting generators or something like that.

Overall, both stories are pretty good, but definetlly not the best.

As for the mechanics/graphics/setting.

I really like the setting and idea of traveling from pure nature to a city.
It was good, but sometimes traveling to a different side of the map for main mission start required couple of minutes of "loading screen/lobby".
It isnt because my pc is bad, it is because there was more little different maps.
It is kind of understandable, because its 2012 game, so i let that one slide a bit.

Controls are good, it was kind of wierd from the start to get used to, but i got this issue with almost every game so its no big deal.
I got used to it pretty quickly.
Parkour was good too, but for me only in the city.
Sometimes it was hard to climb a tree because not every branch worked as i thought it is gonna work.
Maybe its just skill-issue, either way Connors legs had a hard time falling and climbing specific tree over and over again.

What i didnt liked about the mechanics was boat mechanics. Controls werent hard to understand and get used to, but, the combat was awful and i didnt enjoyed it at all.
Especially because i felt like it took hours to just to turn my boat from right to the left.
Shooting at enemy was simple and not that annoying tho.

Graphics were kind of good, and werent hard to run on my low - end pc even with highest settings.
Only wierd thing was eyes in cutscenes, because it looked like they tried to make them more detiled, which failed and just looked super wierd sometimes.

Overall its pretty good game, but the remaster didnt added something very special. So i would buy it definetlly in discount, because 40 euro for 2012 game is i feel, way to much.


(Copied from my steam review)

Česká hra, si vyžaduje českou recenzi.

Jakožto člověk, kterého jediná polda hra kterou kdy hrál, byl právě polda 7, tak asi nedokáži ocenit některé aspekty hry.
Ovšem to doufám zase tolik nevadí.

Polda 7 jak asi všichni doufám ví, je klasická point and click adventura.
Od jiných point and click adventur se hlavně liší svým bizarním příběhem, realnými parodovanými postavami, briliantním českým dabingem a humorem, který pochopí zejméma lidi z česka čí slovenska.

Grafické zpracování.

Zpracování je kreslené a taky musím řici že i kvalitní.
Náročné na počítač, to asi trochu pochopitelně není už vůbec.


Český dabing jsem si velice užil.
Snad bych vytknul jen miniaturní a za mě lehce pochopitelnou věc, a to více postav které měly stejného dabéra.
Jak jsem již zmínil, obří problém to není, ovšem myslím si že pro příště by to mohlo trochu osvěžit průběh hry.

Jakožto puberťák jsem si humor velice užil, ovšem dokážu pochopit že pro starší generaci něco může být poněkud trapné.
Trapných věcí jsem si naštěstí všiml minimum.


Příběh, jak to už v sérii polda bývá, byl pěkně a vtipně bizární.
Bizární byl za mě přesně tak akorát.
Na bizárnosti nepřidal néjen konec hry, ale i zparodované postavy které potkáte v průběhu hry.

Například: Elvin Mlask, Andy Hrabiš nebo třeba Dort Vedro.
Spojitost mezi reálnými/fiktivními lidmi a těmito postavami je samozřejmě čistě náhodná.
Příběh taky osvěžili i "reálné" postavy youtuberů FlyGuna a Fifqa, nebo třeba zpěváka Petra Lexi.

Gameplay je jak už to tak býva u point and click adventur velice primitivní.
Prostě zamíříte a kliknete.
Hra ovšem vyžaduje díky své bizarnosti velkou dávku důvtipu.
Protože jen málokrát jdou některé úkoly vyřešit čistě logicky.
Řešení některých problémů také usnadnila přítomná nápověda, která zřetelně zvýrazňovala objekty se kterými lze interagovat.

Celkově jsem si hru velice užil, a pokud si chcete tak trochu oddychnout na víkend s pěknou dávkou humoru, tato hra se vyplatí i v plné ceně 15 eur.


(Zkopírováno z mé steam recenze)

What is Farcry new dawn? Well its a fps game with some rpg mechanics.
Its also a direct sequel to Farcry 5.

I highly recommend playing Farcry 5 before reading this review.

Game setting/story:

As a direct sequel to Farcry 5, you find your self in a post apocalyptic part of Hope County.
The plot is simple, you fight against bandits to secure your home.
Again your character is mute and you dont have the ability to speak with other characters/npcs.
Unfortunately you dont play as the Deputy in Farcry 5, but as some random "Security Captain".
For Farcry 5 enjoyers, i can say that the original "Deputy" will appear in some form in the game.
Villans are obviously the 2 women in the banner.
Their not that bad story - wise, but not very good either.
As for the setting: i enjoyed it, because it was very colorfull.
What was also interesting, was finding and looking at old Farcry 5 places that were demolished.

Mechanics/new things:

Game mechanics are pretty much the same from Farcry 5.
But there are some new things with the "new things"
The game as it was already written is more of a rpg style.
So you need to collect something in order to get better guns, vehicles and ect or, just to get the option to get better guns and ect.
The classic Farcry outposts are different too. Every outpost can be beaten 3 times.
With every victory, the difficulty gets harder.
In the main base/home, theres also thing called "Expeditions". Its basically completing a task on a different small map.
Rewards are mostly huge, but it depends what mission difficulty you choose.
You need to unlock it first tho.


Game looks good as his ancestor, and it also runs pretty good as his ancestor.
It really gives the world a post apocalyptic vibe.


Overall it isnt a bad sequel, but it also feels like more of a dlc to Farcry 5.
If you want your money to be worth it, buy it with discount.


(Copied from my steam review)

What is AC Odyssey? Well if you didnt read the article from the game developers above.
It is a open world rpg game, based in acient greece.

Game setting/story:

Firstly i will start with the “greek” storyline.
The plot is kind of simple, but i think it still serves the prupose.
You are basically a mercenary, with traumatic childhood, trying to find and reunite your family.
Which isnt that easy, because in your way is standing a powerfull cult who manipulated and kind of even raised your brother/sister
(Depends what character you choose at the start of the game).
Unfortunatelly, that isnt your only obstacle.
Meanwhile when you are trying to get your sibling back from the cult, you are also trying to find your lost mother who ran away based on the tragic events that happened in the past.
At last, you also are trying to figure out who your father is and where he is.

The modern day in the game isnt unfortunetlly that interesting as the main storyline.
You again play as Layla, who now works officialy for the assassins.
Except talking to a few npcs and exploring a very small map, you cant really do anything with her and overall the modern timeline is pretty dull.


As i already said, the game is rpg, so expect
Skill tree with abilities, level system, and so on.
The combat is not special for rpg game. But if you can learn combinating your choosed abilities right, it can be very satisfying.
(Yes you can only have few abilities at a time that you can use, and also yes you can switch them with other unlocked abilities).
Nice addition is reseting your skill points, used in the skill tree. For a certain price ofc.
The game offers you to choose between multiple answers in dialogues, that can affect your final story ending, or in side quests the soroudings, or maybe even your payment and other things.
Game also offers a very good ship combat which was fun to do, but the detection system was sometimes very annoying when you were just trying to get to a certain location and not trying to fight any battle ships.
Game also offers a “wanted system”.
That means, that when you kill a lot of npcs at one place, a bounty will appear, which obv means another mercenaries will come after you across the whole map.

Graphics and optimalization for a huge game like this wasnt bad. I can i guess even say that it was good.
The setting for this game played a huge role for the graphics.
Everything also synced perfectly together.
That includes: map design, game setting, and graphics in general.

Overall: Even tho not every “diehard” AC fan likes this game, i still think its a great rpg game that you can easily dive into, if you ofc are into these types of games.
Its also very often in discount, so its definetlly worth buying.


(Copied from my steam review)