Every time I died (which was never, obv) and they shouted “Snake! Snaaaaaake!” I’d join in but shout “Jake! Jaaaaake!” And therefore this game rules.

Also for such an old clunky game it was one of the finest gaming experiences I’ve had I think maybe

Why is being a fish better than I thought it’d be? Shame there’s no banging BGM

I'm not sure if I had issues with my install, but there was a significant lack of audio through a lot of the game, making what should've been tense or somber moments just.. quiet and dull.

Otherwise the game itself is pretty interesting, concept is nice and weird as expected from Stranga, but unfortunately it just doesn't make as much sense as the other games. Not in that it's vague or unusual, but there are times when a character will do or say something that conflicts with the plot if you make a certain decision later on. Or react to something dramatically only to immediately snap back to their usual personality in the next line.

That aside, still a solid entry into my RPGMaker Horror catalogue and was good enough that I played most of it 2-3 times for all the secrets and trophies. Worth a try if you've got a few hours.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a perfect game, held back by it's own perfectionism. It works so hard to make everything feel as good as it possibly can that as a result there's simply too much. Still haven't beat it

I played this with my brother and it was fun enough but defo hit wrong. Will have to play with a cute girl I know and pretend I'm letting her win to be charming...

I played this game every day for at least a year before I started playing my switch or socialising instead.
Characters, accessories and settings are cute. Gacha element is entirely cosmetic, game plays exactly as it should and regular events and updates with different game modes helps stop it going stale

I don't remember looadds of this game cause it's been a while but I've played it at least 3 times cause it's good stuff. Finally an open world game where you drive on the left!! :D

Game is fun, cat helps with takedowns sometimes, excited for 2. Short King of a game

Interesting concept for sure. Need to play further to formulate an opinion/ranking but so far nothing to put me off.

Designs are nice, style is unique, music is hot, watch this space

There was really no reason at all for this to be tied to The Matrix. In fairness, besides a few uncanny valley movements and scenes a lot of this does look really good.

The shooter section is HOTD without the aiming, adaptive triggers were not used so there’s nothing interesting but the visuals. After that there’s a scene that shows you the effects of the new engine which is neat I guess.

Then you’re placed in an open world city with roam to walk, drive or “fly” (1st person) around just to explore. It still looks great, being blinded by the sun while driving was pretty cool. Sadly the cars felt weightless despite their handling suggesting they were back-heavy. They do roll if you handbrake turn tho so maybe game devs can build from the engine and give us mechanics that don’t feel like GTA IV

This was my introduction into the beloved Ace Attorney series and (setting my British bias aside) I absolutely adored it. Every case brings a plethora of fresh and exciting characters, scenarios and damn right wacky antics. The main-stays Ryunosuke and Susato are wonderful protagonists - with the latter being one of the cutest characters OAT - and the later Iris and Sholmes are perfect companions that allow for even more of that sweet, sweet banter. [Also, the Logic and Reasoning minigame is one of the most fun I've ever played in a detective game]

I knew it was going to be a little silly, but it's astonishing how GAA can weave dark and interesting tales using such excessive and sometimes abhorrent resources, with characters looking and acting in a ridiculous manner as you unfold the mystery of a cold and calculated murder.

In all, the only thing I didn't enjoy the entire time is that some characters animations are just a little tooo much for my liking. This doesn't ruin the scene at all, I'd just prefer not to watch giant snot bubbles linger from a man's nose.

I knew I'd like this but I never expected it to be as impressive as it was. Some scenes really take what makes the series great and pushes it to 11. Recommend it just as highly as the first one.

Was really enjoying BOTW until I got to that stupid cave that forces you to roll a ball with motion controls and I got so wound up with it I gave my brother his copy back and never played it again.
(Have since learned you can turn off motion controls, might try again lol)

The person who made me aware of this game has successfully occupied all of my free time with it.

It's picross with Miku, what more do you need? There are hundreds of levels and each one unlocks a cute piece of art to view in the gallery. Art is good, music is nice, character sprites jump when you complete a line, and it's cheap!

It'd be nice if there were difficulty options maybe but honestly I prolly wouldn't use them anyway.

[Working Review]
Lost Judgment is a lot better than it’s predecessor but sadly it still hits a lot of the same snags. The tailing and chase segments aren’t really improved but the school clubs side quests are much more fun and engaging than what was in the first game.

It’s a shame they’re so unbalanced, with boxing having a load of opponents while dancing only has 4 songs, but it’s still been fun for the most part and only really started to lose me ~60 hours in.

The plot is also improved in my opinion, it’s still not Yakuza level but I care more about this than I did the first game. interested to see how it plays out