Decent hour to kill, few too many star thingies that kept halting the already slow progress and my gf got all the cool guns but otherwise it was pretty hot watching Jill run around :p

This was my introduction into the beloved Ace Attorney series and (setting my British bias aside) I absolutely adored it. Every case brings a plethora of fresh and exciting characters, scenarios and damn right wacky antics. The main-stays Ryunosuke and Susato are wonderful protagonists - with the latter being one of the cutest characters OAT - and the later Iris and Sholmes are perfect companions that allow for even more of that sweet, sweet banter. [Also, the Logic and Reasoning minigame is one of the most fun I've ever played in a detective game]

I knew it was going to be a little silly, but it's astonishing how GAA can weave dark and interesting tales using such excessive and sometimes abhorrent resources, with characters looking and acting in a ridiculous manner as you unfold the mystery of a cold and calculated murder.

In all, the only thing I didn't enjoy the entire time is that some characters animations are just a little tooo much for my liking. This doesn't ruin the scene at all, I'd just prefer not to watch giant snot bubbles linger from a man's nose.

After '70 hours or more' I have completed all 345 of the Normal Puzzles (+25/200 of the special ones)
I dig it

[Working Review]
Lost Judgment is a lot better than it’s predecessor but sadly it still hits a lot of the same snags. The tailing and chase segments aren’t really improved but the school clubs side quests are much more fun and engaging than what was in the first game.

It’s a shame they’re so unbalanced, with boxing having a load of opponents while dancing only has 4 songs, but it’s still been fun for the most part and only really started to lose me ~60 hours in.

The plot is also improved in my opinion, it’s still not Yakuza level but I care more about this than I did the first game. interested to see how it plays out

I knew I'd like this but I never expected it to be as impressive as it was. Some scenes really take what makes the series great and pushes it to 11. Recommend it just as highly as the first one.

The ring is tougher than you'd think and the game enforces a pretty tough and varied workout while allowing you to select the areas you work on and distracting you with health bars. I should play it more often

Didn't know what to expect from this but it certainly delivered. Cute little story with a very sweet message.

Only regret is getting the 'good' ending before 'the better' ending bc I thought the 'better' would be better than good, but no it's sorta middling and the name is informing you that there is a better ending: The good one ;-;

This was a really great DLC. Could've been a little shorter, feels like it took me much longer than it should've but even if I hadn't been so distracted there was so much to it!

Really enjoyed it all the same. Love to see good DLC!

I probably set myself up to fail for this game by expecting it to be a short, one-sitting 3-4 hour game (screw you HLTB you lying little-!) but here we are.

I didn't know what to expect going into this, but I really enjoyed Hatoful Boyfriend. It was a lil slow to start but was still pretty funny and had its charm.. The early chapters of this, however, were honestly just kinda dull. Chapter 3 was good, and Ch4 was really good, but given how the events unfold it felt as though the first 2 weren't even required as set up for them, so I'm really not sure why half the game was spent on what could've been a single chapter's worth of content, ah well.

Overall, this is saved/carried by its final chapter, the rest of the game has its moments but I didn't really settle in for a good time so much as I was just waiting for it to get good. When it did though, it was right back to what I'd been wanting all along. This game could've easily gotten a 4/5 were it not for the first half of it feeling like a slog for me, the last chapter is well worth playing and I'm really glad it stuck the landing. But unfortunately despite how strong it gets, the early game was honestly just boring, and it wouldn't feel right not to factor that into the score.

Side Note: The trailer on Steam is of the birds all single Jingle Birds.. idk if this is a side-story in the game but it does not happen in the main chapters, I was looking forward to it the whole time goddamnit 😭

Final verdict: If you can speedrun the early chapters paying just-enough attention to keep up, I would recommend this. Otherwise it may only be for you if you really liked the characters from the first game lol

Happy New Year everybody! 🎉

As a Brit, going on a long ass road trip with the boys isn’t really a thing. This game made it a thing. And my god if the boys aren’t pretty. Look at my sexy friends everyone. We’re going camping but without the cold, what a dream :)

Real pretty, the voice acting and the cutscenes are maybe the highlight for me if I'm being honest but the rest of the game is great. Good story, decent levels and even tho the vehicle handling is pretty poor the gunplay is tight enough to compensate.

Overall a good time lesgo, thanks for getting me on this one too, mystery gf :) <3

The design of the world and characters were admittedly a bit off-putting to start, but ended up quickly being one of my favourite parts of the game. I'm not normally big on platformers, and this one certainly has its really, really annoying sections (partially due to its age I expect) but overall it wasn't enough of a problem to complain about. With my attention being immediately grasped as soon as I overcame each hurdle.

Psychonauts definitely has much better concepts and ideas than it does levels and gameplay for the most part, but the balance is there enough that even when I wasn't having fun (per se) I wanted to continue because I knew I would be before too long.

The final level was immensely disappointing, with the platforming being so irritating that this review was almost just "Incoming! Just kidding, you can't catch that! What's the matter Raz?" bc I had to hear those lines so many times. And the final boss was about as underwhelming as it gets.

All that said, overall good time, I'll play the sequel for sure

Pretty neat, the perspective gimmick makes for some really interesting puzzles and sorta forces you to think outside the box - which is the whole point, duh.

The ending message is nice but the game could've done with more than just chill BGM for the rest of it. Really missing GLaDOS these days :( Not sure why the finale was what it was either, I'd have just made it a bit shorter and cut that out but hey ho.

Overall had a good time, worth checking out for the couple of hours it takes to beat

Sometimes less is more. This was nice.

Not my favourite Far Cry, but still a fun time with countless entertaining moments - deliberate or otherwise - and a cast of villains that were interesting enough.

Real talk though Peggies have got some damn fine tunes