Something any OoT fan needs to experience at least once.

An absolute blast for any fans of the early MR games, but man, Rot/Wither decks literally break the game.

"Prepare your anus, Ramza" - Wiegraf

Reaching the point where I needed to actively go out of my way to get Numemon was quite the accomplishment!

Well, I'm converted! This was my first Dragon Quest game, and I can safely say that I regret not giving these games more attention sooner! Dragon Quest's strongest and most enduring quality is that it doesn't try to be anything other than the most quintessential JRPG, and it is only striving to refine and perfect that tried and true formula.

While i can totally see people writing this off as overly vanilla, it's anything but. Everything about this game is so endearing, it's almost intoxicating. Rab and Sylvando are absolute MVPs.

Clocking in at 81 hours upon defeating the Act 3 boss and obtaining the true ending, at no point did I ever feel the game was dragging along, which says a lot about a JRPG as this genre is packed with games that end up bring glorified endurance tests. With additional playthroughs, I will most likely be bumping this up to 5 stars.

Funky Mode is a completely legitimate way to beat this game and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

I'd probably rate it even higher if survival horror was my thing. Loved every second of it, though. Nails tension and atmosphere.

A 5-star game trapped inside of a 2-star game. The actual monster battling, leveling, and synthesizing are phenomenal and offer a lot of depth for dedicated players, but just about every other aspect of the game falls apart in real time, which ultimately diminishes the strengths of the game's core mechanics.

The graphics, while being wildly mediocre at best, are forgivable since everyone knows DQ games are made on a budget of exactly $2.67, are also combined with horrible framerate drops and general choppiness that is impossible to ignore.

The lack of any real world building, side quests, and general overlapping objectives leaves players with a bland narrative that is not presented well or even coherently at all. That being said, if Monster battlers are your thing, you'll enjoy it since the game delivers in that regard, but stay away otherwise.

Yeah, that's a video game! An absolute joy from start to finish, even as someone who is not into rhythm games or rhythmically-inclined (to put it lightly). Definitely gives jolts of early 2000s Dreamcast-era nostalgia!

On repeat playthroughs as I go up in difficulty I can see myself bumping it up to 5 stars. Can't recommend it enough!

Improves on nearly every issue the first game presented, which is incredibly refreshing to see! It still doesn't quite hit the mark in terms of overall story quality and consistency, though it is leagues better than OT1 in that regard. Since Square Enix obviously took feedback into heavy consideration when developing this game, I'm super hopeful that a third installment will be an absolute home run. The love that goes into games like this needs to be experienced by more people.

Does a great job of re-capturing a lot of the lightning-in-a-bottle qualities that made the original Psychonsuts stand out while smoothing out the gameplay. While it may not have the same level of bite as the original, the improvements to gameplay more than compensate. My only gripe is the wonkiness in the combat, but even that isn't super hard to look past.

Fast-paced, immersive, intuitive, and atmospheric as hell. Rapture is one of the best game locations ever.

I really want to love D4 but the game just isn't there yet. If only the back 40 levels felt as good as the first 40. I'll come back in a season or 2 to re-evaluate it before the expansion hits.

Went in with no expectations whatsoever and was blown away by how immersed I ended up getting in everything by the end! I'll definitely be coming back a few more times to explore alternate choice paths. Don't sleep on this!