A pretty good Vampire Survivors clone, nowhere near as complex but has its own distinct style. Looking forward to see how they iterate in future.

Vampire Survivors but worse. Less content overall, more boring weapons and characters, and a different artstyle that tends to hurt my eyes in a less enjoyable fashion. Just worse overall tbh.

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Pretty solid game. Not my favorite twist of all time, but solid. Great Aesthetics, my only gripe was the imbalance of weapons towards the end. I was able to just shock and crossbow headshot almost everything, which was some cognitive dissonance from the survival/scrounging for ammo system of the game's first half.

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So the Triple A game releases recently have been lacking something this game provides: iteration. Cult of the Lamb takes really good concepts and improves on them just as studios like Rockstar and Bungie used to do. Unfortunately, the rougelike gameplay isn't great. Everything else is amazing, especially the art style and music. Overall, pretty solid title, I'd love to see more dev creativity like this in future.

This was my first Borderlands experiance, and I'm playing the series after this. The gameplay was solid, the humor was excellent, and I loved the D&D setting. I'm going back to do all the side quests.

As an enjoyer of movement shooters, this one was pretty good. Combined Superhot with Titanfall to great effect. That said, the levels were slightly repetitive, and only the introduction of the arm cannon spiced things up. That spice didn't last as long as I'd hoped, but I didn't find myself bored at any point so it was pretty good.

The Rogue One of Halo, but dammit if Rogue One isn't one of my favorite movies.

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I wish I had been around for the release of this game. The level design and combat of CE with the story of Halo 2 combined to make one of the best FPS games of all time. As much as I died in every level, it still felt like a good amount of challenge and only made gameplay feel rewarding in the end. Spectacular game. As far as I'm concerned, the perfect end to the Halo franchise because, as we all know, this and ODST were the last Halo games ever to be made.

I know everyone loves this one, but I couldn't get into it. The story was good, but I didn't enjoy the Arbiter gameplay (or Chief's either for that matter) and felt like the missions dragged on. All things considered it was still a solid game, but probably my least favorite of the original trilogy.

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(I played the Master Chief Collection with legacy graphics so I may be wrong at some points) This game, like Doom 2016, is one of the few that keeps a consistent feeling of control going throughout its playtime. Despite overwhelming odds, I never felt like the Chief was going to be overpowered by the Covenant or Hive, especially when there were always outside the box ways of bypassing my obstacles. Mick Gordan's score was amazing, and I would recommend as a must-play for anyone who loves gaming.

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Doom 2016 is one of my favorite shooters of all time, and when I bought and played it for the first time I also got Eternal. As I adored 2016 and had heard a ton of positive reviews for Eternal, I was expecting it to be the perfected version of its older brother. While the game was in some ways an improvement, it wasn't nearly as amazing as it had been hyped up to be (nor was it as good as 2016). The game started out strong, but the challenge progession was to rough for me to really enjoy it. As each new mechanic was introduced, it felt like a spike in power that eventually bottomed out into weakness before the next mechanic was introduced rather than the smooth elevation of 2016's mechanics. Some enemy types were perfectly balanced, while seeing others when entering a room made me exit to desktop. The final boss was an hour of switching from shooting at big target to killing ads, which didn't feel like the cultivation of the game's mechanics. All that said, it was still an excellent shooter, and was rarely a terrible time; that said I wish it kept the power balance of 2016 that allowed me to truly feel like I was RIP AND TEARing through hell.

The gameplay was fine, everything else was less than fine. The music, however, was a vibe.

The first game in the line of Mario games from my childhood. Not the first one I played, but the best and original nonetheless.

The most mid Smash Bros. entry by far. We got ultimate out of it though, so it turned out decently.

It's fine, not as good as melee or brawl.