A well made Zelda game, but the most soulless 3D entry in the series

It's fine? I don't have much to say about it, it really didn't leave much of an impression on me. Didn't find the platforming or combat very engaging. Watching Kirby suck giant things up with the hypernova was pretty entertaining though.

I will never stop hating Atlus for making this instead of a Maniax version of 4.

This is essentially a Sonic Adventure game with only Sonic/Shadow levels. Which is what I've wanted out of the series for the longest time. And... it's great! The combat felt a little superfluous, but it's pretty good. The story is also kind of silly, but it's the fun kind. As for the levels they're all large, befitting Spark's speed and have multiple pathways and plenty of areas to explore. The music is pretty good too. Definitely recommend for any Sonic Adventure fans.

Brilliant mecha action game. Gives you a wide varied moveset and just lets you go ham blowing up robots. Only big criticisms are the laughably bad voice acting and some annoying gimmick sections. That said I do find the voice acting terrible in a kind of endearing way.

I don't really like this term, but I feel that it's appropriate for this game: This game is pure SOUL.

I was surprised at how much I ended up enjoying and replaying this game. It's got some enjoyable and varied stage design with a solid number of challenging bosses, some great music and a unique art direction that only uses two colours: green and orange. What really makes this game interesting for me though is it's use of Buddhist themes that are woven into the gameplay. The developers make quite a bold decision with it towards the end, but it's one that works for the type of game this is.

It also got me interested in shmups single handedly, which must count for something.

An excellent rail shooter/action game hybrid, with a great cast of characters too. There's nothing else quite like it.

Reaching the City of Tears for the first time is a life changing experience

I wouldn't consider myself much of a 2d platformer guy but wow. Celeste has simple but intuitive mechanics paired with some extremely inventive level design. It's got a nice, heartwarming story, it looks amazing, it's got great contextual music which I always appreciate and it's highly replayable. I honestly can't think of a single thing I didn't like about this game. I regret passing on this for years, because it's easily my favourite 2d platformer of all time.

I hope that one day gamers will finally accept the truth: Metroid Prime 2 is the best Prime game.