Fun game, but some of the police chases can just go on and on forever.

Good game. I like reboot Lara.

Fallout 3 is a really good game.

Take a trip to Vegas with your two favorite friends. Wonderful game.

Somebody at Bethesda thought let's take Fallout 4 and make it even worse. They succeeded, awful game.

It's okay. I played about 20 hours, I'd say I got my money's worth out of my free month of Game pass. I'll probably never play it again.

If Reddit were a game it would be Doom eternal. What a huge letdown after 2016.a huge letdown after 2016.

You know I'm just not that impressed by cyberpunk.

Good game, I like reboot Lara.

Feel bad for all the people who paid full price for a demo. I mean I got it for free with Xbox games for gold and I still felt ripped off after beating the game in 10 minutes.

It's far cry, they're all kind of the same after this one. Far cry 3 was great and Ubisoft decided let's never make anything different again. Except the story is awful compared to three.

The stick of Truth is a really fun game. It's all classic South park from back when it was actually funny, Obsidian used to know how to make a really good game.

Overrated game. It's not really that fun, I mean it wants to be an old school shooter before a boomer shooters or a thing but also you have no health in the aiming isn't very good and it's basically a stealth game. I don't know I didn't care for it. I don't know I didn't care for it.