7 reviews liked by BOCCHI_ZILLA

A love story (thousands are dead).

I played this game on my 3DS in public and a Blood member thought I was throwing Crip signs at him; but I was just trying to juggle pressing buttons in a full 3D movement section with a flat d-pad -- while pinching my freshly dislocated thumb and index finger to hold the 3DS stylus. Blud just killed me in the middle of the street, picked up my 3DS while looting my corpse and became blind because I had the 3D toggled on and he looked into the screen at a slightly wrong angle.

I miss this game a lot. The overall product is just alright, but The Crew 1 had a game structure that I am frankly shocked that Ubisoft didn't run into the ground, because they really had something here. Thanks to game depending on centralized servers, NOBODY CAN PLAY THIS GAME ANYMORE!!! YAAAAAAAY! Death to everything!

I cannot put into words what it feels like when you're tearing ass in the car of your choice that you built up an attachment to because of the spent time upgrading it through numerous challenges -- across the largest fucking map for any game I have ever played. There is-...there was nothing else like it. I can't get this pick up and play thrill from other games besides like Forza Horizon 4 but that game isn't nearly as good in it's game structure.

Because of objective variety and map size, The Crew had thousands of mini challenges and objectives... and due to sheer map size, there was room for way, way more. I am not a car guy, but the cars on offer for just the base version were cool. I bought some DLC cars, but I just enjoyed grinding out better parts with the starter Dodge Challenger. I'm basic, but there's just about every type of major car brand here so you get to be your own snooty little shithead in your utmost ideal commercial car if you really wanted. You didn't even necessarily have to buy any DLC to get something you would like. I know, shocking.

This game does, well, DID do car upgrades really well. You had a Bronze, Silver, Gold ranking for every race and challenge and depending on how well you did, you were given a random part for your car that was either slightly or greatly better than what you were working with. Didn't matter what car you were driving, as long as you completed the challenge with the car you wanted to upgrade the parts for, you were guaranteed an upgrade. It was fucking awesome. I hadn't seen such a fun upgrade system since Racing Lagoon on PS1. That makes two racing games that I have played in my entire life that had fun car parts systems that made you want to do every challenge like crazy. One of those games is completely unplayable now. This gaming genre doesn't fucking suck shit out of a dickhole, guys. I swear.

Ok look, it's Ubisoft game. The "story" is eye-rollingly boring and generic. It doesn't really matter to me because The Crew is 100% a game you could have just turned the volume to 0% to play your own shit and it would mesh well with the game experience. What I will shit on this game for endlessly is that driving at night is awful due to a lack of lighting outside of major metropolitan areas. The day and night cycle was really, really slow. You drive out into the country at night and you could literally be staring at pitch black for an hour.

Despite it's generic presentation, The Crew was great. Great potential to be even better that never happened because The Crew 2 had to have planes or something. I popped back into the Crew 1 a year ago because I missed it and had so much fun. The game was still populated by thousands of console users, too. Now the memory of how cool it was is relegated to people who paid for it and are mad as fuck that they can't play it anymore (me).

I personally think it's really cool that a company dominated by notable unconvicted rapists can take away a product people paid money for with an undefined life span not dictated by the EULA and throw it in the trash after it's not shiny and new anymore because...there's better products? Skull & Bones? A watered down Forza clone they called Crew 3? Hello?! These games are the new hotness. You just don't get it. These games are like super cool. Pay no attention to low sales and breakneck speed of employee overturn. Please look forward to Ghost of Tsu- I mean Assassin's Creed Nippon or whatever. Suck the $180 Ultimate Edition of my dick and balls.

Not a great sign for the industry right now that every review of things I like are turning into eulogies.

I played this game a bit through Uplay years ago.

Ubisoft just shuts down the game and doesn't leave at least a single-player mode for people to still enjoy it.


A little ways in rebirth i'm given a job by a local woman who wants to send some money to her errant son, one who recently took off to another village across the map. She sends the moeny attached to a dog and wants me to escort it safely. it's a cute quest, but what strikes me is the music. this dog has a unique theme, a drum and bass track with a choir of children cheering him on. I don't hear this song again for 40 hours. This sticks with me for the rest of my playthrough. In the triple A space there's the constant feeling of games buckling under their budgets. the ever rising bar of fidelity increases the time needed to generate assets for a given area, which cascades as the game goes on, meaning while games take more time and money to develop, they often feel smaller, samey. Rebirth does not feel small or samey. It is the most ambitious game i've played in years.

Film-noir shooter with fantastic comic sequences, great atmosphere and music and gameplay that is still really good today. The invention of bullet time alone is an accomplishment in itself. I also really like the story, even if it's not super deep and a bit over-the-top. The dream sequences are awesome, one of the best games of all time.

No payne no gain!

O jogo tem um aspecto amador muito forte, no sentido de que parece ter sido feito por um grupo de amigos no seu tempo livre, o que não é uma crítica, o jogo deixa claro suas paixões e referências, mesmo que no momento aquela equipe não tinha o talento necessário para realizar sua visão, ou melhor, para entregar algo de alto nível comparável a suas referências.

As cutscenes são charmosas e os avanços tecnológicos não as deixaram ultrapassadas, além disso o jogo possui bastante personalidade com sua narração, quotes e referências (os caras gostam de John Woo). O bullet time é o principal componente do jogo, e mesmo sendo de 2 décadas atrás ainda é bem legal e carrega o gameplay do jogo.

O ruim? O jogo não consegue transcender suas referências e acaba possuindo uma identidade muito infantil, além disso temos o posicionamento sádico dos inimigos (vira um puzzle não levar hit kill em certos mapas), e OS PESADELOS DO MAX QUE VOCÊ PRECISA JOGAR E SÃO SESSÕES DE PLATAFORMA INFERNAIS QUE VOCÊ MORRE, MORRE E MORRE DE NOVO POIS É UMA PORCARIA DE SE JOGAR.