Unironically saved Survival Horror and its own series after over a decade of degeneration into generic third person shooters of varying quality.

Genuinely think this may have been the first video game where upon completing it I realized what the word "soulless" really meant.

This game is so jam packed with content, collectibles, and unlockables after beating it I'm actually genuinely overwhelmed and is that a fucking proper New Game Plus mode?

So happy all the marketing only focused on the village and castle and big mommy milkers cause GODDAMN you are not prepared for the ride that comes after that. Devs for this one off the goop for their taste in horror media.

Don't really want to give full thoughts on this yet since I want to wait until all the updates are done (especially since this was released incomplete) but the base gameplay of this feels way better than world. Wirebug fun as hell and holy fuck I want to cum inside Hinoa and Minoto so bad. Goss Harag best new monster in the game.

Honestly musou type games are fun. Shallow nonsense but it activates a trigger in my brain that makes the funny haha chemicals go apeshit when I kill like 500 dudes with a single move.

Feels much better to play than Fate Extella and has better visuals that don't make the characters look as odd from some angles. Game is also more stable, played on Switch with only a few really big hiccups so I'm assuming PS4 version is probably smooth as hell. Only real disappointment is the ending doesn't go for the big spectacle climax Umbral Star went for but it's okay cause the rest of the game ridic fun to play. Probably enjoyed this a lot more than I really should have to be honest.

Anyways, Charlemagne a total bro and goes into the acceptable list of Fr*nch people. While playing as Francis Drake could only think of that one doujin where she gets summoned to be turned into a mindless cocksleeve. Need Tamamo no Mae gf please GODDDDD.

Knew this game was gonna be better than the first one when the monsters didn't randomly switch their attack type mid turn making the whole thing an RNG nightmare at times. May have actually enjoyed playing through this more than Rise on the sheer fact this actually launched finished with an endgame lmao. Also has a proper story and unlike World's attempt it didn't make the whole event feel unimportant and small despite the seemingly near apocalyptic end if we failed.

Would 100% use Tsukino as a living onahole.



Just wanna hang out with the lads and gals and talk about Takashi Miike movies all day bros...

Insanely strong until the post reveal chapters that sort of dip and even then I was still having a fuckton of fun exploring the areas the game would send you through and that cool ass chapter where your plasmids are out of line and randomly cycling was sick. Final boss clownshoes WE NEED BIG MONSTER MAN spectacle nonsense a lot of vidya fell for at the time.

Harvest or Rescue the ultimate WORDS AND DEEDS meme.

This is actually without hyperbole the coolest game of the year. Didn't even realize just how much I was holding my breath during the boss battles until finally overcoming them and just letting out air for like 10 seconds straight.

Insanely raw as fuck. May not have the same initial impact and shock (HAH) of Bioshock, but more than makes up for that by going all out in being VIDEO GAME. Way more intense difficulty wise too, everything felt more aggressive than the first game. Ending I got may have made me tear up a little.

Nuclear take, but if this game moved at least 25% faster it could pass off as a boomer shooter tribute. All the weapons and gear feel right out of something from that era. Machine gun is orgasmic in this may even feel better than the shotty. Drill is Getter Robo and Gurren Lagann tier so, GOATED.

This (and to a lesser extent the RE3 remake) truly does feel like if Resident Evil 2 was a big late 90s horror blockbuster. So much soul and care poured into this the devs really captured the feel of what your child brain imagined the events and areas of the original PS1 game as looking and feeling like.

Zooming through in follow up playthroughs more addicting than crack, never gets old. Only thing I kinda hate is grenade round hunting as Claire and X not dropping shit if you take time out to stop him but whatever, dope shit.

Gonna preface this by saying Jill is easily the coolest character in the entire series and this still a huge comeback after the JUSTing she received in RE5 lmao

Presentation of this game downright gorgeous from lighting with heavy emphasis on deep shadows and saturated colors as opposed to RE2 2019's more black and darkness with natural colors. Deffo prefer the look of this game to that one. Both look fantastic tho RE engine wizard tech.

That aside feel really frustrated and conflicted whenever I talk about or play this game. There's so much it does well but also so many things that bring it down. Wouldn't call it terrible or even mediocre but it really does leave you with a bit of an empty bittersweet feeling as opposed to the hype and nostalgic excitement RE2 leaves you with. All the cut areas don't really hurt much on a first playthrough but on repeats you really feel it. Hospital overstays its welcome and easily features the worst section of the game with ANOTHER stupid RE4 cabin sequence.

Shame about Nemesis too. His boss battles are really cool and fun but he is only stalkerman for like the first 90 minutes, in a game that can be around 6 hours on a first run. Even less time if you speed through the game. If you told me 10 years ago I would find Mr. X more of a threat than Nemesis I would have laughed in your face.

Music on point this time around though another thing I definitely prefer over RE2 with its recreation of original RE3 tracks as opposed to the more minimalist approach of its predecessor.

Love how this feels compared to RE2 as well. Jill controls so well and smoothly compared to Claire and Leon that if I went right back to 2 I would probably feel kind of annoyed at the low running speed. My hottest take in regards to this one do be that this is the best feeling RE engine Resident Evil. Even more than Village, so that's definitely its biggest achievement.

Really the thing most going against this game is its super short production schedule. It should have been delayed for a few more months or a year or just been marketed/released as a big DLC add on for 2. The fact RE2 was updated with a section on the menu to take you the PS store so you can buy this should speak volumes haha

Original RE3 wasn't really one of my favorite growing up and I really didn't grow to appreciate it much until my late teens when I replayed all the games leading to 6. So while I can empathize with people's problems with the remake I'm not really as bothered by them to the point of being entitled and calling it absolute dogshit.

tl;dr dope ass game that's problematic due to short dev time and is not as good as its predecessor overall but also has things that it does better

"You want S.T.AR.S. I'll give you S.T.A.R.S." being interruptible by Nemesis punching you and putting it while running away from him instead of turning him into chili con carne at the end is unforgivable though game ruined.