shit i still play a lot of roblox games, there's some good quality on here. if you know where to look you can have a lot of fun.

gameplay gets a 3.

well, at least it has a campaign.

gameplay gets a 3.
story gets a 3.

this game is an addiction. this game's micro transactions are scummy, removing the campaign was the worst idea they could have ever made, and it's balanced so poorly. but i still love this game. the gunplay is so much fun, exploring the open world is oddly fun, and it pisses me off how much they removed. this game is so disappointing because it has so much going for it.

gameplay gets a 3.
story gets a 2.

this is a fun one. if you're into a good city builder, this is a really good entry point. this game is hours of fun, and there are so many developments to be made. while i only have 30 hours on it, i reccomend this game to anyone who wants to get into city builders.

gameplay gets a 4.

the campaign is so close to being perfect, but sadly it's stained by the level "cortana", which is a fucking nightmare, even on easy. meanwhile the rest of the levels are really fun, and the gameplay feels really good. but the multiplayer falls apart under poor balancing.

gameplay gets a 3.
story gets a 5.

the story is so investing, the gameplay is fun, there are no silly gimmick levels, this game is just story driven fun, ties with halo reach for my favorite game.

gameplay gets a 5.
story gets a 5.

the gameplay is a lot of fun! i just with that they put more quality than quantity into it. and how tedious it is to get loot boxes is stupid and scummy. but i really enjoyed my time with this game!

gameplay gets a 4.

it's better than the original, but i don't feel like it fixes the design problems.

this game is amazing. it aged quite poorly in some areas, but the gameplay is so much fun.

gameplay gets a 4.

holy crap. the only reason this game isn't lower, is because i enjoy the multiplayer. but my goodness the campaign is rotten. i had a feeling that this would be a bad halo game, but i expected it to at least be a good game. it is not a good game! the prometheans are a pain to fight, and they're focused on so strongly in this game.

this game may look nice atmosphere wise, but there are so many things that distract from what's going on in the game, it's terrible.

this game is a train wreck.

gameplay gets a 2
story gets a 1.

i bought this game at first for my phone, after my phone broke i was so into the game that i bought it again for the pc. the game makes you think, but it's never anything too puzzling. there are so many towers that there's always something new to try and no two games are the same. this game is incredible.

gameplay gets a 5.

i dropped it after 5 hours of gameplay, so i would recommend waiting for a sail. it's fun for a little while but than you reach a wall, and improving can feel impossible. it's too frustrating.

gameplay gets a 2.

it's kind of fun. but hard to get glued to. the customization isn't good motivation, there's really nothing to do after you die, and games last too long. the game is much less murder mystery, and more of don't get killed.

gameplay gets a 2.

the first hours of this game can feel amazing. it's calming, and nice to play. but it feels like a game meant to pull out when you need something to do, in a trainstation, or waiting room. we are in the middle of a pandemic. i'll be playing this more once the covid19 crisis is over, but for now, i'm done with it. it can get so farmy and boring. this is a great game, released at the wrong time.