this is a really stupid game that i found some years ago while looking through free games. this game is stupid, had an awful community, and has so many issues, and yet i've found myself enjoying it quite a bit. it's something nice to pull out when you have nothing else going on in your life.

gameplay gets a 3.

get some friends together, and this is an amazing experience, but i wish it was better balanced for single player. as someone who doesn't play with friends a lot, it can get really frustrating playing this game in single player.

stylistically this game is amazing and adorable. it's so charming and cute.

gameplay gets a 3.

this game's gameplay can be amazing. the chases can feel a bit static but at other times can feel so exciting and exhilarating. but at other times there are gimmick levels that are boring or painful to play through, that don't need to be there. i know that the campaign linear design is criticized a lot, but i love it. it feels so well baked into the open world, and the levels are so dynamic and fun.

this game looks really nice graphically. nothing amazing or breath taking, but it gets the job done really well.

i heckin' love the story. i do have to admit, that it can feel like a mess with no structure, but some could argue that it adds to the realistic factor. it's really upsetting that some of the loose ends aren't tied up though, makes it worse knowing that rockstar most likely won't make a direct sequel.

gameplay gets a 4.
story gets a 5.

as connected as i am to this version of mc, it was missing so many features at it's time, and tbh, i feel that mc is meant to be played on mouse and keyboard.

this game is SO CLOSE to being perfect. there are so many issues with it game design wise. the phantoms are useless and annoying, and all distance attack based mobs are a pain in the ass to fight.

the design is so unfocused, and i think that if they focused on letting you use more resources in more ways, this could be perfect. but it falls flat in so many ways.

gameplay gets a 3.

it's okay. it's overrated as hell, and needs more features, but for a game with such a little team, it's alright. the team needs to hire more, and they need to add voicechat, and other things like that. this game is tons of fun, but needs to add more before something better comes along.

gameplay gets a 2.

it's good ol' forza fun. also my first forza game, and my introduction to traditional racing games.

it can look pretty impressive for a 360 game at times. and the music is amazing, it's hard to describe.

gameplay gets a 5.

the gameplay is so satisfying, the multiplayer has it's issues, but the campaign and overall feel of the game is smooth and satisfying.

and it's story is probably the best halo story wise. it's gripping, it's tense, it's stressful, and has some amazing moments, built from halo's story. the first time i played it was an amazing roller coaster of emotions. the beginning of the spaceship level is gimmicky and can be pretty annoying, but it's short and the rest of the story is worth it.

gameplay gets a 4.
story gets a 5.

i had so much fun while playing this on the ps4, and i want to get a copy for pc so that i can enjoy it again. the gameplay is so amazing, unique, and fun.
the campaign is so eventful and climactic

update: got the game on pc
with being able to play online, i love this game even more. on ground as a pilot or at a titan, everything feels so climactic and amazing.

gameplay gets a 5.
story gets a 5.

just dumb fun. this game is silly and enjoyable. it's been a while since i've played it, but i know that i loved every minute of it, and i'm wanting to get a copy on pc, to enjoy it again.
i regret returning to this. maybe it's because i almost 100%ed it on the ps4, but this is just so boring now.
there's no choice or interesting ideas in the gameplay, it's just build this, go here, pull this lever, mix and repeat.

gameplay gets a 3.

this game improves the campaign that makes it even more playable. sure the major flaws are still there, and the brutes are still trash, but the amazing look makes it so much more worth it.

i haven't tried the multiplayer enough to give it major thoughts, but i remember it not being as fun as original halo 2 multiplayer.

the pre rendered cutscenes can be jarring, but they look so amazing that i don't mind them being out of place.

gameplay gets a 3.
story gets a 5.

this game's campaign disappointed me, and i feel that it's very overrated. the first master chief levels are amazing and exciting, but the arbiter levels are stressful, and the brutes are a pain to fight.

the multiplayer is such amazing casual fun, that i can recommend it to anyone who wants some casual fun.

gameplay gets a 3.
story gets a 5.

this game is so close. there are a hand full of gameplay issues, and random crits makes it really difficult to learn. but i've had some amazing moments in this game, that make it all worth it.

this game is free, so i recommend you pick it up and give it a try, but i'd reccomend sticking to practice bot servers.

gameplay gets a 4.

the "full version" of CSGO puts you in servers with better players, and forces you to understand the meta. and once you do, you struggle to understand why this game hasn't been rebalanced. the 2 best strats are ak/m4a4, and sniper. you can succeed with other weapons for sure, but these are the superior options. after realizing this the game can still be good fun, but it feels more restrictive and at sometimes frustrating.

gameplay gets a 4.

this game is great. you could play this for hours. although the 2.0 update made it feel more complicated, and made it a bit more difficult to learn. this game is hours of fun. but i feel that once you play it for long enough, you'll have nothing else to do.

this game looks really good! it's nothing top of the line, but it's really appealing. it also runs great! the first time i played it, i played it on a high end 2012 imac, and i could run it at full settings.

gameplay gets a 3.