This review was written before the game released

fuck you blizzard, i didnt play the game but i know its horseshit

VEEEEEEEERY weak, but hold up hold up it's got some neat traits to it. So first, I actually very fondly remember all the disney seasons for power rangers.. SPECIFICALLY dino thunder and ninja storm
This game was actually mindblowing to me as a kid because it was like "holy shit im a giant zord and everything is so puny!" and like yeah it still is Kinda neat and each zord is delegated to having a different specialty mission thing to do but after a while just kind of devolves into using the special moves of the zord needed for each mission which can boil down to just
hit thing with thing
and thats kinda it there's not really much deeper gameplay things going on here aside from time trial and the occasional escort mission with brachiozord which suprisingly i Almost failed a mission for the first time on.. .twice! one for each time it happens
Also its neat playing as the megazord for a whole 5 maybe 6 minutes
i g ue s s....
bc all you do is just cutscene attack the guy by pressing a single button
kinda reminded me of balan wonderworld of all things but i think in that game you atleast had to hit more than just One button
the biggest offenders are the fact that theres two pitiful boss fights in this
and collectathon shit is encouraged for rewards that honestly arent very interesting or exciting
when you do the "side game" shit, youre mostly just getting an intro zord cutscene or a cutscene from the show with no audio (Why????) and just the stupid generic hero music tht plays here
Which is a shame because if you want some actual reflex testing and knowledge of how these maps work, the side game shit is actually where it's really at. there's not really that much in the way of annoying ass enemies there either.

PERSONALLY idk most ppl wont give a shit about this but I actually felt some level of nostalgia and excitement seeing all the side zords be playable, even at a simple press of a button
because lord only knows that this game was a hit with kids Especially for not falling into some stupid ass donkey kong 64 bullshit
u can get collectibles so frequently and easily, youll never run out of special attack shit unless you misclick or youre actually beelining the fuck out of this game probably and even then theyre not hard to find
The pterozord really is the star of the show here because if you think any of the other zords feel sluggish or clunky or you need to look where tf youre going, immediately mash triangle to get to that bitch Kira and scope shit out
shes a lifesaverrrrr

final thoughts: you could do a lot worse for licensed games of ongoing kids shows, especially disney kids shows
but this being a power rangers property game kinda cancels that out I guess
You could beat it in an hour and a half, maybe a lot quicker
About as long as a Hylics 1 playthrough but infinitely less entertaining
ive never thought id want tommy to shut the fuck up so much in my life, rest in peace to the actor though
also this season had me obsessing over the morphers idk why but they were so satisfying to look at.... So Sick
also Fuck You Mesagog youre literally nowhere to even be seen in this video game, actually stupid that there's no big final boss fight with him in this whole rift portal dimension ripping suckin the zords and rangers away bullshit plot

actually i was gonna give this 2.5/5 but now its just getting 2 because wow that actually pisses me off the more i think about it LMAO

the aesthetics for this one in menus have a sweet spot in my heart, and I think i like literally every iteration of SF3 a lot compared to the previous numbered header entries
not that I think theyre not worth playing but I think every SF3 [insert subtitle here] is way more consistent than it's contemporaries

Dudley so fanny

This was definitely the most different arc of the game i've experienced so far,
Not only is the map ultra different in a good way but also had me missing the stupid shit i was accustomed to like chonker speedway and the blimps and what not.
The new gear also started off really strong but then it had a fuckin
"Syndrome: When everyone's super, huehuehuehueh nobody will be" type moment where some things were just kinda okay compared to others
I think I also just really miss some of my faves from the previous Chapter
But you know what, the frequent bugs and vaulting and unvaulting of shit? the weapon variety and map locations getting old quick? the hammer discourse? doesnt mean a DAMNNNNNNNNNNNN thing babe because DEKU SMASH WAS IN THIS SHIT HOHHHH!!!!!!!! THE HYPEST SHIT AND THEN AS IF GOD HIMSELF KNELT DOWN TO SUCK MY CLIT, THEY ADD THE FUCKING KAMEHAMEHA!!! COME. ON. AND THEN YOU GET TO DEKU SMASH A N D KAMEHAMEHA IN YOUR WEAPON TOOLBAR??!?! LIKE HOLY FUCK ITS AWESOME
now the kamehameha felt a lil weaker than it did the summer before when it was first in the game, which is a shame but also i fucking love it
i hope they continue to add anime bullshit to the game because it seriously is some of the most fun shit. I saw in the new trailer theyre letting us do 3D Manuever gear attack on titan bullshit and that looks Kinda fun
I imagine it's mechanically similar to that of the spiderman webshooter shit and the new sword. I have pretty high expectations for the new season even if I didnt feel to strongly about the current battlepass or much else than that.
PLUS motorcycles rule aughhh so good

To be honest I always get really surprised when people have critical negative thoughts on each season a pop because I don't think ive played one where it was just boring or not fun or didnt have some kinda neat theme
Doomguy is cool and uhhh
i guess thats kinda it
this is less of a review and more like just shower thought rambling abt how cool i thought this was

This is quite literally the best fangame ive ever played, the 3d manuever gear is excellent to control and sometimes it got to the point where the actual licensed games Seemed like they were taking queues from Feng Lee's outing whenever they dropped. I cant believe its actually been TEN
TEN YEARS!!!!!!! time marches on though.. I adore this game, i think overtime I was getting more annoyed with the lean into having more realistic proportions for the titans
the punk titans in particular got kind of annoying and the crawlers would cease in being arguably the scariest thing in the game to deal with
and then you had little glitches and such here and there where the colossal titan spawning in would make it so your ears would bleed,
I got introduced to this through Etika too since he was playing this with his online friend group which... damn i just got chills because i noticed how none of them really appeared in any of the videos after that tht he put up to the channel.. which is a shame because even though nobody from my old friendgroup will be reading this review, the times we spent playing this are some of the most treasured in my life

Okay so this is a very creative idea for a platformer where you lob orbs of raw emotion at your foes to get them to do shit or calm down called 'Poins'
You can fuse them together to make a type you need but also you can platform off of them which feels like dog shit
Sometimes jumping off the poins with the hitbox you need to stand on is so finicky and slippery it (ironically enough) feels like youre standing on jelly and youre trying to find a hard bit within that jelly thatll give you a boost
I swear i didnt even realize you could get an extra powered jump out of bouncing at the right time off of one until the second to last area in the game, and that happened by pure accident of discovery because i thought it was That dumb
This hit box issue i have also transfers sometimes into when youre throwing shit and surrounding bullcrap gets in your face and takes away your poin
but uh.. dude thats really like.. my ONLY complaints for this game
Otherwise its rly... rly.. fun
So if you're one of the few onlookers here that didnt first hear about this game through watching Vinesauce, Poinie's Poin is one of those rare breeds of games where it had a fully credited english cast
everything is dubbed in menus and audio
and yet
it ONLY released in japan, not localized here in the 'states or even europe or anywhere. Something like this kinda happened with Mother 1 or as it's known in its localized form Earthbound Beginnings but Poinie's Poin hasnt got shit in 21 years and it seems like its gonna stay that way as far as I can tell. But thats ok because

this game is so fucking Funny
Most every character in Jellytown is fully voice acted and even the generics for the respective level youre going through get voice acted lines, an accent or some kind of little speaking quirk that they stick to
It's so casually fun its almost like enjoying a silly cartoon or old dubbed anime for a show that just
n e v e r e x i s t e d sometimes
The cover of the game also reflects this, it looks like a pack of candy where you can see the little gummies to snack on from beyond the seethrough plastic its GREAT

There's not just pretty great voice acting here either though, there's variety in pretty much every level and each boss has you doing something atleast a LITTLE different each time. I know I was saying before how poins can be finicky and while thats true youd be surprised to hear I wasnt ever super frustrated with the game to a point of it being soured for me because the poins regenerate in the last place you found them FAST and you dont even need to correct the emotional imbalance of every inhabitant in the area, you Can if you wanna.. but you get nothing out of it!! LMAO like no 100% bonus or nothing for it which is WEIRD but is oddly fitting for the tone and all of this game as an experience. Another thing that's very easy and forgiving about it is that youll find that every time you do something thats majorly relating to the plot, you immediately get a prompt on if you wanna manually go to the next main story thing yourself or if you wanna be teleport nudged right next to where you need to be next
It's really nice :)

final thoughts: It's a weird and funny dumb as hell B-grade ps2 platformer thats easy and not too terribly long but offers a lot of variety and silliness to experience
Eric Cartman is your companion guide for the game
This game hates french people


This review contains spoilers

God i fucking love spider-man, okay so right from the get-go I love miles getting his own game but I also feel like this DOES have some strings attached
not in the way that "oh. peter's bailing his ass out." but moreso in that I think this plot is not as strong as Insomniac Spider-Man but it does mean a lot for him as a character.. its just the way it's conveyed can sometimes feel contrived
The bulk of whats up between miles and phin kind of just boils down to a lie and hinging on her trauma not letting her want to listen to anything he has to say
And the climax itself is really cool! I like seeing Roxonne vs Underground having a war going on in Harlem but i also feel like its not ever-present in the way the Sable shit is in the previous game, constantly giving pressure to you even when youre swinging throughout the map

Roxonne doesnt really feel like that at all LMAO
IF ANYTHING the underground totally feels more like the central threat in all of this which from a story pov that is a good thing
Bc Roxonne is using bastardized shit that Phin and Rick did so naturally theyd be less of a threat overall, Simon Krieg should be seen as a flagpole
not really the fort or the end goal inside, atleast thats how *i* see it. He's a self righteous fake philanthropist shitbag and thats kind of fun, unfortunately since the game is so short you only really get like maybe three or four scenes with him
shit maybe even less!!!
And the last thing I wanna remark on with the story, i feel like the flashback before the war and final boss coulda been earlier
Like maybe in a dream sequence after Phin beats the shit out of Miles before, but I do really enjoy how much Miles goes through in this story and the growing he does in his own way. This story has a unique iteration of the prowler as well bc of how miles' dad is actually gone from the get-go here, I feel like it really works where you get this decent medium rare with Aaron where he's not super manipulative to the point of irredeemable or annoying, but he's also not That sweet to the point where he's like his spiderverse iteration that you dont really see much of the weight of things he does unless it directly coincides with Kingpin's plans.. its.. GOOD
And Ganke getting representation in fucking anything and getting to say more than two lines is a miracle because I thought the only thing we'd get is his couple almost mute scenes in Spiderverse & Ned in the MCU functionally filling a similar role for Tom Holland Peter

Now for the shit people actually care about in these reviews(im sorry im just passionate abt this franchise LMAO)
The gameplay is as you'd expect from Insomniac's first outing! You got the same type of combos you can do as before and fighting feel but now with the venom and camo you can do some CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZY shit like oh my god Miles is busted
So think about everything you could do as Peter at top level and now imagine you have a regenning meter based on how much youre whooping ass letting you do crazy energy burst attacks, tackles, Majin Vegeta Explosive Wave type shit
oh its so sick babe
I think that the game does combat good and the underground going toe to toe and being able to chase after you is a nice bit of added difficulty, the AI in this can be wicked smart (unless youre playing on dooty butthole baby difficulty, no shame there but, if u are u wont know wtf im talkin bout)
to an almost annoying degree omf
But the camoflauge is nice... its a nice freebie to reposition yourself and flex on the poor bastards you carve through
Though i think a major misstep was how they introduce an enemy type thats supposed to make it so they can SEE your heat signature when youre invisible
it's sad.. it's sad because its so useless for the enemy, it's sad because its only used in one stealth area
Which is weird because most of the time you Are going to stealth these missions and areas, and i like the electric puzzles that come with them usually
but wow Im not really fond of the sampling puzzle mission stuff, i woulda preferred the hacking shit from the previous game and I wasnt even big on that either lol

final thoughts: so yeah its fuckin COOLLLLLLLLLL, i adore miles morales so much and I enjoy how his characterization has come a long way from just being bland to actually having writers embrace what makes him unique, Spiderverse iteration is still my favorite easily but im glad this guy doesnt suck balls
The combat is better while the puzzles kind of suffer here and there, but there's not many of them in general so perhaps thts a good thing IDK
It's a solid step in the right direction though and I like how each set of collectible-objective things just give you more dialogue and characterization like Ganke and Miles bouncin off each otherrrrrrrrr
Or Aaron's past deals he madeeee, it kinda rocks!
I have two prayers for the proper "Second Game" from Insomniac
1. I hope this set-up with Harry actually feels kinda gradual? The more scenes with him the better and I know everyone's clutchin their kahones for Venom to show up, but iiiiiiiiiiiiiii
actually really hope they stick the landing before riding on up with when he goes Venom mode and such.. I dont mean to sound like a downer or expecting doom and gloom, because the team has had two outings now where they can properly gauge what works and what doesnt, but it's still kind of worrisome..
2. PLEASE FIX THIS NIGGA'S CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE HIM SOMETHIN UNIQUE!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!! IS IT BECAUSE IT FITS IN HIS MASK MORE REASONABLY??? BULL!!!!! ahem.. a- but yeah thats uhh.. game's Kinda good with clear issues

i literally just played this bc i was boilin some water and was waiting endlessly for it to hurry up

i remembered this game RANDOMLY today and I think it's still a pretty neat premise, the concept of prison break content in video games was actually at a weird peak in 2015
atleast from a fifteen year old's point of view at the time,
this, hardtime and watching minecraft youtuber idiots play cops and robbers escape maps were pretty fun

Even though it gets kinda tedious and repetitive here and there

YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shit rocks
where the fuck is regular SFA on this site though

its OK, like this is a massive step up from the first game in visual flair and its even got a few new characters :)

ahhhh yeah thats dog shit
But you gotta think about it from every angle ya know
And it sure is the first step, no matter how ugly
you can fuck someone up in this in just two good moves and thatd be IT
everybody looks nothing like how they do nowadays
ken and ryu definitely are the exact same in this
and yeah thats kinda it
i rly dont have anything surprising or bitchy to say abt this beyond surface level because you would really only play this just for the experience
otherwise its a pretty shitty fighting game, to the point where it actually kind of feels like other shitty fighting games that would rip off this franchise which is.... huh...