still to this day rlly good, dont know when ill pick up tears of the kingdom
played it wayyy back when it was new and i still dont see a lot of the criticisms ppl try to argue with
like its not for everyone yeah but
i actually love the breaking weapons and divine beasts and how u can pick whatever u want in any order before ganon, its really nice and i never really cared for going for 100% memory completion or something like that because doing things at my own pace however i want seems like one of the best things you can get out of an open world game really

i remember back when this game was new my online friendgroup rounded everyone up to play the multiplayer minigames and do all kinds of other shit having fun and sharing tips about where gems were and how to do other shit in this game
it's a pretty servicable puzzle platformer with some of that usual humor you could expect from The Behemoth, the gems are satisfying to get and getting new heads is nice too
a lot of the weapons you get start feeling redundant after a while though
and it has a pretty fucked up yet goofy ending for what's otherwise a silly journey
i remember loving the narrator in this a lot, wonder what he does nowadays

i remember laughing and fucking up missions in this game 999% more than actually even successfully doing anything

one of the two castlevania games i got around to actually finishing back then and- wait why does it say virtual console's been removed as a listed platform somebody played this on

my biggest issue was just that it felt pretty slow but definitely felt easy to digest this back then when the only castlevania game id beat was the first one


Not the worst thing ive ever touched, but not impressive i mean it's just fucking 8 bit golf idk what u expected from lookin here

the box art is somehow cooler than the game

a classic that i used to think was the holy grail of choice based video games when i was a kid

and im still right

INSANELY rewarding when you actually figure shit out, cant believe heihachi is never ever gonna come back for never ever wowwowowowoowowow (head explodes)

Really fucking weird having witnessed this series turn into the marketing juggernaut it did honestly
and this game is almost ten years old ffs

people really shit on jumpscares, like, rightfully so
they can be cheap
they can be very poorly done more often than well done

but i think it actually works for this game because its amplified by you anticipating the AI movements, your ass glued to a chair with limited movement, hehehehehe its cool

never actually Beat the game though because i choke at the final night and get too scared....

I vividly remember when info about this game was leaked online and I was able to get a jp APK of it and my folks thought I got possessed by a ghost or something from how much I was suddenly talking about going out on a walk and exploring LMAO
I straight up was ADDICTED to this and people nowadays will probably act like ppl were exaggerating
come here [suddenly pulls you in by your shirt] No They Werent.
This shit had a chokehold on the world so much it had hilary clinton make an unfunny remark about it, people were getting arrested for breaking into areas they werent supposed to be because they just wanted to get to one of the rest stops/raids/just see a pokemon they didnt have yet spawn

I vividly remember back in it's boom I was on a date with my ex and there was a guy working at the restaraunt around in front and he stops us and sees we're playing the game on our phones a little checking the spawns and whats around, this dude straight up says he noticed that we can totally get some crazy shit around the area at this time of day

What game actually has people talking like that to each other.. ever?????? People were forming whole groups and traveling, going outside and doing all this other shit and as corny as it may sound
this shit genuinely did feel like the closest thing to uniting the world

you can't really replicate that kind of thing again, esp with how aggressive the world is lately..

they trickle in content catching this game up to the roster standards of the mainline franchise but back then it was just Gen 1 pokemonnnn and they sure took their damn time putting other shit in

I don't think we'll ever have something like this again in the world to be honest with you, whatever the pokemon fever was when the first couple games dropped had it's lightning in a bottle moment replicated here

Unfortunate that AR reached a plateau Here though

Some alternate universe version of the mario that made Nintendo bang or whatever but all of that is soured for me by the fact that I bought this shit only a week before nintendo announced they were puttin the damn thing on switch online and i think thats my specific pinpoint moment where ive actually wanted someone mortally injured bc of capitalism specifically

I remember when I thought this game was the shit when I first layed eyes on it, didnt even know it had a remastered version but i remember the story was cool and it being funny

what ever happened to you tinybuild???? shooting yourself in the foot is.. well.. shooting yourself in the foot

but time has surely not been kind....