It was very fun for a crazy taxi clone with a Simpsons paint coat over it

An extremely solid game with a very fun story, wish i could've played the PS3 version tho

An amazing game with tons of fanservice to be found for long-time fans of the franchise, I have very fond memories of this game

Never quite caught up with the story, but the gameplay is fun enough and the narrative content is very good.
My only issue with the game is that the gacha seemed kidna punishing?? i guess?? like it felt like you needed to pull a Valkyrie AND their weapon for them to actually work, which i didn't enjoy.

Game is very fast paced so it's really fun actually

Very fun game for two fucking idiots that can't do a simple puzzle right to play together

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, i never could play as Coco, like I could never figure it out it drove me crazy

played this with my normie friend he loved every second of it