Fantastic old-school jrpg. Feels like square took everything they learned with the final fantasy series up to this point and continued to improve and evolve the formula. Another fantastic score from nobuo uematsu and beutiful sprite work all around. One of the greats for a reason and a must play for jrpg fans. Also far shorter than many other jrpgs I’ve played so its a perfect place to start if you’re interested in the genre.

Really cute little puzzle game. No complaints outside of the price, but that's easily solved by just getting it on sale.

Good fucking shit. Basically more spider-man 2018 with some extra combat features. Story was solid but the main draw of these games is the movement and combat systems, which continue to be fantastic.

I can certainly see why people are so divided on this game, put I personally really enjoyed the story, though there were some definite pacing issues near the end. I found the parallels between Ellie and Abby really fascinating and the writers took a cool take on a revenge plot. The gameplay was really good and an excellent evolution off of the original game. While I wouldn't personally have given it game of the year in 2020 it was certainly a game that I didn't feel wasted my time, though I'm not likely to replay it for a long time, if ever.

I actually "finished" (got to the credits of the game but didn't actually beat the post credits boss) this one back in like 2019 on gamepass but grabbed it on steam a little while ago. Didn't actually finish it this go around but I don't really care since I had my fun with it. Cool metroidvania with more focus on the combat and bosses in particular which is very touhou like but puts me off of wanting to play it more since I go into these types of games with world exploration in mind.

Purchased purely on a whim but this was actually really fun and interesting as a first real survival horror game.

Easy game of the year and personal favorite game of all time. Takes just about everything from botw that I had an issue with (weapon durability system and story) and improves on it 10 fold. A fucking masterpiece.

Easily on of the best JRPGs out there and having it on a portable platform made it a no-brainer for me. Amazing story, beautiful environments, stunning soundtrack, tons of content. Easy recommend.

While I wouldn't put this game in the same class as Oot and MM, it was still a fantastic Zelda game. I never played the original version so I can't speak on the changes that they made, but it left a great impression and is up there on my favorites list.

The art and soundtrack of this game were great and the main reasons that I returned to it after putting it down in 2020. However, I felt that some of the design choices were a bit questionable and made the game a slog near the end.

I was actually really suprised how much I enjoyed this game since it was an impulse buy. I tried out the original a few years back and liked the gameplay, but I found finally finishing one of these games a fun and pleasant experience.

Now this one was a crazy good experience. Really fun movement and combat mechanics. Stunning art, especially on an HDR capable screen. I didn't expect the story to be as good as it was, but I actually shed a tear at the end. Good shit

The memes influenced me to grab this one, but this is just a really solid action game from Platinum. The soundtrack goes so damn hard and the combat is really fun and rewarding. The story isn't great but you aren't playing this for the story.

This game is a certified classic for a reason, but god damn it was a drag to 100%. Worth a playthrough to fuck around with friends but wouldn't recommend going for everything unless you really feel the need to.


Cool post-apocalyptic cyberpunk cat game. Environments were cool and the atmosphere was nice. It was admittedly really short and there wasn't a whole lot of variety in the gameplay. But for a debut indie the concept and visuals were really solid.