280 Reviews liked by Bell_GX

Fun game, they brought back everything they cut from disgaea 6 and changed everything i didn't like. Pirilika was dumb and cute, the rest of the cast is ok.

But then again... Cat Girl supremacy

Good game, honestly never played this much growing up cus it took me forever to realise you actually could continue after a gameover
The visuals of the game are a little under appreciated, silver pipes, white trees and the night stages being pitch black are all pretty cool

younger me hated this game cus I never realized you could get extra height and got stuck at sky canyon but I really enjoyed my current playthrough
Overall I think its better than 1 but the final boss is pretty lame

Half life its a great game that still holds up very well to this day I have a few issues with it though the main ones being the awkward movement all the Xen levels sucking and not enough enemy variety in terms of how they're used your fighting marines over and over again most of the damn game

Just a solid sonic game. I have a lot of nostalgia for this as it was the first 2D sonic game I actually beat

Solid version of sonic colours. Pretty cool its basically another rush game.

peterrrr we want you carnally symbiote slurping noises

better than silent hill homecoming

solid 3ds version of sonic generations, kinda cool that the modern sonic basically plays like rush.
major respects for including water palace from sonic rush but it kinda makes me wish this version was focused on the handheld titles, could have gotten advance and GG stages.

Cannot believe how good this is. Puzon was right!!

Easily the 2nd best Sonic game ever made after Mania. This was too perfect.

Great levels, never felt like my time was being wasted. Cool boss-fights, always had a good time with them. Loved all the stages.

Sega needs to get their head out of their ass and hire these people and the Mania people again. These games are better than anything Sonic Team has ever done.

I did not expect this game to be THIS good. Takes one of the worst sonic games I've played and turns it into one of the best sonic experiences out there. The game looks beautiful, plays amazingly, adds a lot of cool parts that compliments the original, amazing music. I cant recommend this game enough.

One of the best sonic games.
It's criminal that Sega never got these guys to become the main classic sonic devs and the fact we might never get a sequel is pretty sad

I am convinced that every person who played this game and gave it a good score is a sonic fan who has over the years gaslit themselves into thinking it's not that bad because it's not terrible like most sonic games are.

First of all, this game was marketed as a multiplayer game. The amount of times I set my controller down in frustration while my fiance zooms across the screen because I died from not being able to keep up is infinite. The camera fixates on the player that is in the lead so if there is a spring and you both don't hit it at the same time, the player who is behind flies off the screen and dies. luckily, this doesn't lose a life, you just come back as a ghost and the other player has to touch you-- oh wait, sorry, that is Mario Wonder which is also a multiplayer game that came out the same week but it's actually good. My bad.

The bosses are soooo long and if you die, you don't get to come back endlessly like in the levels. There is a ton of waiting for the boss to complete certain attack patterns so it feels like forever. You can only hit the boss once per attack cycle, unlike the genesis titles which let you hit the boss as many times as you can at once.
Don't even get me started on the music. I think one of the tracks is memorable but I can't remember which level it was, so was it even really memorable?

There is a lot of aliasing. The single player mode's camera is zoomed in a lot and nobody knows why.

There is a giant pig with human hands in the game.

I gave one star for bringing back Knack the Weasel, my beloved. The other star is for the carnival level, which is always a good time.