280 Reviews liked by Bell_GX

A really cool, creative, beautiful rpg. It's simple, but with a great amount of depth. There's a lot of enjoyment to be found for those who really take there time with this game.

It's like ninja gaiden but it has no story, every enemy is tanky as hell and you only get 5 lives to beat the entire game. It had some good moments especially the bosses but the game is pretty disappointing especially compared to NG1 which came out 3 years prior
The game does have 2 player Co-op which sounds dope actually but the single player experience is lacking

insanely badass and funny game
The game just oozes charm, has amzing atmosphere, surprisingly has a good amount of variety in weapons and I love Daniel Fortesque so much.
the camera can be a bit wonky sometimes and some of the chalices are annoying to get but man this game is so good

Worst game I've ever played literally landfill material
The 4 person structure and obviously rushed development kills any potential this game had by the time you start liking playing as a character there part is over this combined with the upgrade system bad encounter design makes the gameplay shallow and lacking the story is just awful as well there is nothing redeeming about this game it has no merit and all copys of this game belong in a landfill 0/10

Ninja Gaiden is almost therapeutic once you're familiar with it and know how to play. It isn't an experience where you need to stop and think, it's all about getting into a rhythm and playing confidently. It can be incredibly frustrating to learn, but once you've got it down, few other games make you feel this bad ass. The entire thing becomes muscle memory after a while, it's like learning to ride a bike

Probably the best arena fighter I have ever played. There was only one part I did not enjoy where you had to fight blank item spammer enemies who were impossible to hitstun, but aside from that they really fixed every issue I had with the first game, with the titular power stone mechanic being a lot more spaced out, lot less OP, generally just doesn't make fights cyclical anymore, I liked that part. The levels are all super unique with some special fun objectives, weirdly arcade mode only has one round per fight opposed to best of three but all in all this really is just a super cool super fun sequel to an already great game.

Better than any 3D Mario game before or after it?

No, not even close.

Wii U-to-literally-right-now-era baby game design?


A genuine fun game that you can sit and chill with that’s unique enough to exist as a pre-Switch handheld game with secrets that at least appease what I would expect to find in a Mario game?


Summary: New Super Mario Bros. but what if Nintendo made a sequel that did not make me want to sell it within the first week of me acquiring it

This game is great
I really enjoyed the combat system and the balancing they finally figured out how to make gun guys threatening but not stupid in this game Kiryu's core moves also just feel great in this one the bosses in my opinion though are lacking
The story as always in these games is nothing mind-blowing but very solidly wrote and simple and pushes the game forward in a natural way I really enjoyed the closer focus on Kiryu's relationships
Didn't fully do everything I wanted so I'm definitely coming back for more on hard mode see you in 2034

Well, it was a tough road. Ok I'm lying calling this tough would be an insult, this may quite possibly be the most merciless, relentless, soul-crushing and dare I say lobotomizing experience I have ever undergone in gaming and I despise it with every fiber of my being. No game has ever brought out such unfathomable rage in me as this game has, this game is genuinely out to kill you and drag you down to your lowest possible state.

But even then, despite it all, despite everything I've said above and will say in the future, I still love this game. The writing, characters, thematic messages and implications, all of it, everything and fuck it even the gameplay. If you the reader can persevere from everything this game throws at you as part of its masterfully crafted ludonarrative, one day you'll see the light. Quite possibly the greatest ludonarrative ever conceived

This game won't just tell you that life is worth is living, it'll go beyond and ask you to kill yourself just to test how hard you WANT to live. Unironic 10/10 masterpiece, I would wish this game upon my worst enemy.

throughout the entirety of my drakengard 3 playthrough all i could think about was what this game was trying to say. the story just felt like it was constantly building towards
something… it felt like there would be a moment where everything clicked together at once and i could understand the genius of yoko taro. I was confused nearly at every turn. surely these constant, tasteless sex jokes had some sort of meaning? in a metanarrative sense, at the very least? did they fucking test this game on hardware? why does it run so fucking terribly? there is nothing going on to warrant the dips to 2fps. i was just waiting for all of these questions to be finally answered. the more and more i played, the more i thought that this moment would never come. drakengard 3 might just not click with me. it’s great for people who love it, but for me? i don’t know… i didn’t see my opinions changing after playing the last two verses the game had to offer me.

as soon as i started up the final song i knew that it would be the death of me. first an hour passed. then another. and another. then, suddenly, clarity:

ba-dump, ba-dump

the shallow beats of my heart echoed around the room. for the first time in what felt like years, i looked way from the TV screen. I felt an entire lifetime flash before my eyes. i saw a future where i was happy… and then i snapped back to reality. what… what am i doing with my life?

it was in that moment that i finally understood drakengard 3. all i could do was laugh. i get it now… through my hysterical laughter i saw the truth of drakengard 3. why do we play video games? i’ve been doing this for 3 hours? my life is worthless! i should really get my drivers license… i really need to get a job… yoko taro knew these things. the most important thing for a game is the kind of impact that it leaves on the player. the constant sex jokes, the shitty frame rate… and of course, The Final Song. it was all to make ME (the gamer) feel bad about myself for putting up with this terrible bullshit. drakengard 3s thesis is to tell you to fill out a job application and get your drivers license. it’s to make you touch some fucking grass. yes… drakengard 3 is… bad on purpose.

thank you yoko taro. i would’ve never been able to come to this realization without your incredibly gargantuan intellect.

pretty relaxing and consistently good throughout but the end of the game has a huge jump in level design quality. im hoping the sequel has more levels that learn into the more puzzle-like aspect that was present in the final stretch . surprisingly mature story (for a platformer) with a deeply upsetting ending that made me cry a bit

Played on PSX. Crappy presentation and iffy framerate, but the sprites and music are fantastic. Great stages and gameplay is fun, but this is a terrible version to play.

Also Sentinel and Silver Samurai are so busted.

Great sprites, fun music, love the characters.

Solid, simple arcade game. Scratches that itch for the 40 minute playthrough then you go on with your day happy.

This game was abusive to me on all fronts. I like one boss, and one character from the whole thing. Lunar UT spam don't care.

Taking my bow away and subjecting me to that final boss was the last straw I tell ya.