Good game. Gameplay definitely isn't the most smooth experience, especially with the wonky gunplay and spongy enemies, but the charming cast, puzzle solving, and some pretty fun levels helped me push through.

Cool game. Gameplay changes from the base game really help elevate the experience. Only complaint is how the roster of villains was pretty underwhelming.

While it felt like some segments throw way too many enemies for you to handle at once, the levels, set-pieces, and gameplay improvements helped make this a fun experience.

Some levels were kinda boring and Dante was super underwhelming to play, but there was still fun to be had with this one.

Great game. Easily the most fun and exciting one to play. The ending was also really nice if you are a fan of the main cast.

Boring and unmemorable. Music and Lucia were good, but just about everything else was a major step down.

Fun game, but I seriously question if anyone even playtested some of the bosses, especially the optional ones.

I've been a fan of this series for years and I've only just now decided to head back to where it all began. Held up way better than I thought.

Really fun game in spite of some PS2-era clunk in some aspects.

This game feels very experimental compared to the previous entry. If you have played them, you can definitely tell that this one feels more in line with Zero Escape than the previous entry (if the amount of references to them didn't make that obvious). There's a certain twist that, while I really enjoyed, I can understand why some people might find divisive. The story definitely kept my interest, even if some points just felt outright copy-and-pasted from the first one. The endings were honestly a mixed bag, but THAT one in particular still gives me chills just thinking about it. Overall, it's does some things better and some things worse, but it is still one of Uchikoshi's best works to date.

Fun game. I like it as a game, as an SRPG, though, not at much. Main story maps are hit or miss, but I can't deny that I had a lot of fun messing around and breaking the game wide open, even if it is really easy to do.

Just as fun as the base game and without the Run N Gun levels to drag down the experience.

It was okay. The "metroidvania" aspects of the game are ironically my main issue with this game.

Incredibly fun game. The atmosphere and the way it worked the UI into the world was amazing, and the combat is so unique from most other shooters and horror games, that it definitely helps it stand out.

Very mixed. In terms of story (for the most part) and level design, I only enjoyed the last 2 in the campaign and that's not even getting started on how the gameplay just doesn't feel like Halo or how the new enemies in here sucked. A pretty lackluster start to 343's era of Halo.