Why bother with this game when Diablo 2 or PoE exists?

Funni game. Worth playing just to see how great platformes were back in the day.

Well this game is great, is even incredible and influenced a lot of games that came after. Classic. However some of the mechanics from 97 are outdated and some people with nostalgia not see it as it is. Worth playing even now, but don't be afraid to use mods or some "enhancements" just to finish the story.

Its great and I play it too much. It is as addicting as the binding of isaac: rebirth, which was the best rouglike I have ever played.

Yes, finally i am spider-man. So yea - game is good, great even!

I finished it and it was hard battle. I did not like it as a whole, it is too hardy, to much realies on this premise that this is the journey. Too much backtracking and frustrating moment. Sad, hope the Silksong (if it ever comes out at this point XD) will be much tighter and moder approach to the genre.


Fun but repetetive. Also holy shit the controls are hard on 3DS, my fingers hurt.

How can you fuck up the game so badly. Shooting is bad, horror elements are bad. I have a question for Mr. Carmack, why did you try to make a game clearly out of your skill level. Why there is a story in this game if according to you "Story is as important in games as it is in porn" or something like that? And then put massive amounts of lore expositions I didn't care for a second because it was so bad and repetitive. Why every wall in ever level can just disappear and tons of enemies appear to "spook" me. Why why why.... The best thing you can do with this game is play doom 1 and 2, have a great time, and then delete the game from the disk and never return to Doom 3. Thank you.

Charming game, with fun puzzles and characters, nice mystery plot. But some riddles really require split second reaction and then they just drag you through repeating the same sequences over and over until you get them right. Litte tedious, but that is my only beef with this game.

Great sequel to a fine game. Worth playing, one of the best platformers on the market!

This game can be tedious and frustrating but it has its moments.

Funny game with interesting characters. OBJECTION
That is the coolest game about lawyers.

You are fisherman so you fish for fishes. But some of the fishes are ... not normall?
Also there are cultists and cursed books so yea Cthulhu full speed.