Finding out you can just fast travel to planets without needing to go the ship everytime jut made me lose interest in bothering to understand the game's mechanics and objectives

Getting filtered by this game is a sign that your bloodline is weak and should refrain from touching video games for the rest of your life

When a dumbass tries to spout some random bullshit about how JRPGs aren´t real RPGs, show'em this game to shatter their tiny limited brain

You can beat up kids in this one

I recommend playing Shin Megami Tensei V before this one so that you understand what a mediocre SMT game actually looks like

The third ending bros....

The review bombers were right for the wrong reasons

Quem não entendeu agora não vai entender jamais


The scariest part about this game is the British accent


Primeiro roguelike bom, maior defeito é que eu só lembro do Lenz toda vez que vejo o portrait do Zagreus