Every Metroidvania styled game... Scratch that. Every game should study this game, and use it to inspire their own work.

A personal favourite of mine. Tight strategy. Gets a little repetitive.

A perfect video game. Defining of a generation, really. Nothing will ever come close.

Dear God.
Everything I've ever enjoyed in Isaac is brought up to its highest quality in this game. I've logged hundreds of hours, and I will continue to log even more.
I cannot explain how much I adore this complete package.

I love Minecraft. I've been playing it since I was a kid, and it makes me feel fantastic.
Every few months I come back, I build on my world a little, I explore a little. I try something new. I feel content with this blocky game.

This game is nostalgic, and monumentally eerie. It has some strong issues. The gameplay gets stale, the camera is awful, and there's just not enough unique content.
I think that the completely strange and disturbing aesthetic makes up for a lot of shortcomings, however. And, even though there really isn't that much replayability, I find myself constantly coming back to this game.


Oh man, oh man, oh man.
Everyone is so hot. Also, the game is really fun.

What an experience. Everything just works, and you're constantly itching to see what comes next.
Addictive, mesmerizing, and grand. Silksong when?

Batman is imposing, and you feel imposing. Which is a feat, because the playground that is Arkham City is downright noir and horrifying.
The atmosphere of this game is heavy, dingy, but you constantly feel cool-headed and prepared.

Colourful, fast-paced fun! Sonic at his best!

As fun and energetic as this game is, it's much too short. It's in desperate need of at least 3-4 more levels, and certainly in need of some better writing. Nonetheless, extremely fun with what is present.

A masterclass of gaming. One of the best games ever made.

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The end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never

Narratively, intense beyond belief. A mix of visuals and audio stimuli that cannot be replicated elsewhere.