should've sticked with being simple instead of over-complicating everything

suffers from persona 3 syndrome, the way everything in the ending get's bullshit-ised...i still love it tho

2 steps up, 2 steps down...but atleast the last boss fight was fun and playable

this game tries so hard to become a movie, so much in fact that i cannot rate this as a video game, anything bad i said about koei tecmo games applies 10x.

this game's bosses are kinda ass, but there's nothing else to complain about in this game...maybe except the fact that it feels like hideo kojima is rejecting the video game medium

such a terrible attempt at something that could've been so much better, legit one of the worst designed games ever, again, i would rather kill myself

I honestly did not enjoy the story or the dialogue at all, it's like killing has no meaning the way that charecters talk for 5mins before killing them, its really annoying

Hopefully the next one builds off of this ones mistakes


why does this game do alot of things right just to mean nothing in the end, im so confused, this game does not feel real, are we playing the same game?

solid game, expected a better story...with good pacing but i still like it

i could talk about how well this game went up until the 80 hour mark, but still, even with those bad palaces in the end, 5 out of 5 game

first dmc to click with me, makes me want to give the others a chance

it was alright, did a decent job at being a sequel, if you don't count the pacing

it was alright, nothing like how the fans describe