Yeehaw, Nake Jakey sums this game up pretty well

I got this for free with the monthly PS5 games list, which is cool

If 1 has the best world/exploration and 3 has the best combat/gunplay, this is a blend of both with extra modes, so if you want a hybrid, this is the best one, otherwise the others offer a more direct idea

Out of the 3 ps2 games, this had the best combat and gunplay

Out of the 3 on ps2, this had the best worlds and exploration

Not words to describe it, just excellent

98% a perfect game, that 2% are the wall jumps

100% (uggh)
How the hell does this game from 2015 on PS4 look better than games coming out now on 9th gen consoles. That is one of Arkham Knights biggest strengths as this the best looking out of all Arkham games as Gotham city provides some of the best gameplay of series with the best combat system so far and bat mobile gameplay that may overstay its welcome buts is a great way to evolve the combat just from being Batman, better boss encounters would've bumped this game to the best.

100% (Again, don't collect every Riddler trophy)
This game's biggest strength is the story (gameplay wise) and boss fights along with its side missions and an improved move set built upon Asylum. This game offers the best round experience I recommend to everyone, regardless a batman fan or not.

100% (don't collect every Riddler trophy)
Each Arkham game has strengths over the others, this one is the aesthetic as the rich, gothic world of the dark knight is translated beautifully into this Metroid Vania, along with a lineup of some of Batmans best villains and a combat move set that allows the player to become batman