You know that boost after a jump in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? You're welcome.

Jesus Christ, those nuclear waste missions.

I'm autistic so I can't read faces, hence the guide.

Son of a bitch to try to complete, but N. Tropy making the fuck on with himself makes up for it

Alright for 2009, bit harder to go back to nowadays what with the viewpoints.

Needs to be played at 60fps. Also Crash!

Intro part still gets me everytime.

Aerith is the beating heart of this game. Don't try to argue otherwise.

The Sgt Pepper of video games, but with terrifying spiders that haunt my dreams.

I'm giving this 5 stars out of spite.

That moment we all know helped me deal with the passing of my cat. It's a good game in my eyes.

Independent route. Only regret was I screwed over the Followers Of The Apocalypse. My bad.