128 Reviews liked by BrightCircuit

gonna be real wit u, im just padding my games list with dis shit dawg who the FUCK cares about the chrome dino

What I normally don't enjoy about tactical games is how they make you take a defensive approach. I don't have the patience for cover-based shooters in general, whether they're turn-based or not. But this plays like the tactical equivalent of DOOM. Aggression is key, holding still will get you killed. It's a blast to utilize everyone's different abilities to find the best way to destroy your opponent fast, before they have a chance to get to you.

What EA has done with this franchise is one of the biggest gaming L's of all time.

This is the best stealth game! It took a long ass time but the wait was worth it!

This is Hitman, bitch! Take your sensitive ass back to MGSV!

I'll give this a five star when I've actually beaten all the C sides, so in like 2029.

Edit: I did it! Thanks for the motivation Supasocola!

Absolute peak video games.

Portal 2 takes what made the original game great, and somehow improves perfection.

The writing, the voice acting, the puzzles, all add up to make an experience you will probably never forget.

Also, the game is really, REALLY funny. Wheatley and Cave Johnson are two new characters who are hysterical, and GLaDOS still has her dry sarcasm, now made greater with her new status as a potato.

Play it. There is nothing else to really say. You'll learn why it's great if you do.

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State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition is a game developed by Undead Labs and published by Xbox Game Studios, and is obviously the second in a game series that I have a love hate relationship with. Don't get me wrong, this game is good and I like it but I've also gotten frustrated at getting my s h i t kicked in. Regardless though I do love it, and here's why:

To me the meat of the game is obviously in it's main mode. You randomly pick survivors (except if you do the tutorial) and you end up in one of four or so regions as you go out of your way to search for supplies, settle into bases, create weapons, find and ally with survivors where you will need to keep them happy (as well as hostile ones) while also completing two main objectives: fulfilling a legacy (of which there are four) and clearing out all the plague hearts on the map. Plague Hearts are basically where plague zombies spawn and they're basically the more difficult version of a regular zombie, not in combat but due to the fact that if it harms you enough you basically get infected and you have three actual hours before they basically keel off. Now these plague hearts are difficult but you can always recruit one of your survivors to help you destroy them or get a friend to help you out. Whereas this game can be played without it, online coop is where A LOT of the fun comes from and helps offset the difficulty the combat can present sometimes. Keep in mind the combat is rather simplistic, you just hit them and then execute them on the ground or shoot them BUT you can with a lot of training unlock special fighting moves to help you out. While simplistic in nature, honestly the combat is satisfying though you still have to be careful because you can be swarmed quick and screwed.

With this combat of course you're asking "well are you fighting just zombies?". There are hostile survivors who will shoot at you and attack you with all they got but there are also the stereotypical "special" zombies that just kinda jack from Left 4 Dead (ex. Bloaters are Boomers, Ferals are Hunters, etc.). Whereas they're not bad, they just kinda fill the stereotypical roles that every other zombie game seems to have kinda just taken from Left 4 Dead. Regardless that kind of caps off the combat that I can remember to mention at the moment.

To cap off the main mode, this is where you'll most likely be spending your time in and truth be told if you're looking for a Walking Dead community simulator thing that's not directly based on the IP this is basically your game. There's no real main story in this mode other than the objectives above you do side quests for people and you become attached to your characters before they're ripped apart and butchered cause of bad luck or one mistake. That being said, there are lulls sometimes and it can be kind of boring waiting for objectives to pop up depending but it kinda is what it is I guess.

The next mode is Heartlands; this is considered the "Story Mode" of the game. It takes place between the first game and the main mode, you'll choose between one of two groups to go into the first game's location. Not much is different other than skills and certain quests but the main goal is the same: find survivors, build your community, kill some plague hearts but with the added quest of helping Dr. Hoffman take down Plague Walls. With this quest you will need to build up your arsenal and be on your A-Game because you WILL die if you screw up because you will be inundated by plague zombies and their special units. I didn't hate this mode, it's not bad for those who are into State of Decay's lore but I wouldn't really play it more than once.

The last mode is Daybreak, which is basically your "survive in one spot, keep rebuilding the wall, protect a person and kill every zombie" thing that seems to be in a lot of games. I did one game of it and to be honest I don't hate it, it's kind of a standard mode I just don't really wanna play it again and to me it didn't really add much to the game itself besides rewards you can unlock in the main game.

Overall, I liked this game mostly other than a few things here and there I didn't care for. This is one of those games to me that has the potential for infinite replayability with the pregenerated survivors. Playing as them I formed an attachment building these random characters up before seeing them get ruthlessly eaten. If you're desperate to save or keep certain survivors you can spend influence to send them to the "Legacy Pool", where you can always call them in if you need them later on or in a different survivor enclave entirely if you want (though alternatively you can access them for free if you start off in a new game as well). That being said, I can understand why people would give this game mixed reviews overall; there are some things that aren't really fleshed out as well as I would like (base building would be my pet peeve, I'd prefer to just be able to build whatever wherever instead of limited to certain squares in a single area but I digress), the survival aspects for the most part is still the same as the first game (which I'm ok with but I can understand others are not), sometimes you'll be driving and you'll get stuck every five seconds and it's annoying. I'm sure there are many other things I'm not touching base on, but the character limit on Steam makes it iffy to go over everything. Some last things I will mention is that at the moment they're making State of Decay 3; I wasn't excited at first because I had some frustrating moments on Xbox One with it (mostly confusion with the legacy pool deleting all my best characters) but having replayed this I'm heavily interested now. The second thing is that according to a buddy of mine there's actually a mod or a character editor in which you can kind of create your own survivors and edit stats so to me that adds to the replayability of it. However if I were to put out a recommendation, I'd say just take some breaks in between play sessions and such otherwise some of the flaws tend to kind of poke out and make itself aware, that and it gives you a reprieve from the fear of killing your best survivors. I'll repeat a statement I made earlier in the review: If you're looking for a Walking Dead Community simulator with no attachment to the IP or no pregens, this is a good title to look into. Just be aware it'll kick your s h i t in and it has some issues.

Also shoutout to my dude Dewey for getting me this game thank you very much!

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

One of the sadder things I’ve realised recently is that the original Fallout may not be as influential as much as it’s made it out to be, at least when it comes down to its mechanics. But I’m no real historian, and it may very well have changed the world of RPGs forever. Still, I don’t think it really matters because at the end of the day this is still a damn good game.

Four years ago I played this game for the first time and finished it in one sitting, and recently I ventured out to the wasteland once again. Shining blue spandex, bright hot sun, searching for a water chip; it all feels too familiar. Ah, that control scheme…it feels clunky but once you get the hang of its fits this game like a glove. Fast and snappy, perfect for that retro-future aesthetic. Still, I can’t deny I’ve ever particularly liked how this game’s combat is. Nothing horribly wrong with it, but often times it feels too static, like I’m playing a board game with a computer that’s determined to kill me. Probably what they were going for too.

Stopped by Shady Sands, and gave birth to a nation there. Went to Vault 15, and I saw ruins. Ran into the Khans, and slaughtered them all. Headed to Necropolis to give the mutants dirt naps, and saved my vault. Strolled into Junktown for the casino and killed the owner; I left as quietly as I came. Stopped by The Hub for the water, and stayed to help uncover the disgusting truth behind both the missing caravans and those delicious Iguana Bits. Ran into The Brotherhood of Steel; they told me to fuck off. I saved Los Angeles for last, and it was as much a shithole as I had expected.

After you get the water chip, the last half is really unsettling. You feel that there’s an imminent evil heading into this world as you encounter these monsters more and more. As you spend hours upon hours searching for a man you assume to be the devil himself, you grow accustomed to the hell that is this world. Despite being coddled at birth, you make this wasteland yours. And by the time meet the creator of this madness, it really just does feel like a Wednesday in this irradiated world. This game is absurdly funny, not only with its writing and critiques of American culture but right down to the game design itself with the funniest bit being that the thing you spent the last half searching for is just straight left. Haha, all that work for something so simple.

I hated the Overseer four years ago. Really thought of him as nothing more than an ungrateful speck of a man. But today, as I blew up that evil lair and saw everything that my actions wrought and how I changed this world forever, I stood in front of that cold metal door wearing dark green combat armor and a rocket launcher in hand. There, I saw myself. I saw a man in shining blue spandex walking up to someone he just doesn’t recognize anymore. He is confused now as I was in the beginning, he just doesn’t understand and I now realize where he’s coming from. I could hear the fear in his voice, fear of this horrible world that just sucks.

What if we ARE the only safe place in the world? You just gave us back all these lives…I can’t take the chance of losing them.

I’m sorry. You’re a hero…and you have to leave.

You walk alone. Into this heartless, cruel, unforgiving world. Shining blue spandex, bright hot sun, searching for a purpose. You found it one day, but long after your death, another evil arose. Don’t worry, another hero just like you saved us again.