The game is beautiful and the amount of lore and dialogue is insane, but the gameplay doesn't have me frothing for another run quite like Gungeon or Isaac. The last two floors feel unfair sometimes, and it feels aggravating to have a strong build that melted enemies up to that point do literally nothing to enemies here. Besides that though, I can clearly see why people rave about this game, as there was clearly a ton of effort and love put into it.

This game is so adorable!! Having a checklist of achievements to go through makes galloping through the sandbox have more of a purpose, and walking around and smacking stuff as a cat is just the cutest thing! I wish the game was a little longer or had more quests, as I completed all of the achievements in a little over 4 hours, but I will definitely be replaying this with my girlfriend, who is probably one of the main demographics for this game. If you have Game Pass, this is definitely a must play if you want a comfy fun game!

What a beautiful and engaging VN! The artwork, music, and story were all fantastic. My only gripes are that the story sometimes requires extreme puzzle solving that requires a guide sometimes, and the use of cringey jumpscares in the first hour. Other than those, this was fantastic and I'd easily recommend it to any horror/mystery fans.

Shorter than expected, but still had a blast. The enemies, dialogue, and mission descriptions had me laughing, the cutscenes were amazingly animated, and the gameplay was fun. Only gripes were that it was shorter than I would've hoped, with there only being three bosses and 15 missions. However, this didn't spoil my fun with the game, as what was there was still really good.

This expansion is literally Postal 2 but so much better. The errands all having plot relevance and actual gameplay besides just going and grabbing something made playing through the week way more engaging. I couldn't believe how much better they managed to make the game, and I wish they would have just kept making games like this instead of what they did.

I enjoyed the more linear gameplay and story, but it didn't have me laughing like the main game did. I also realized just how terrible most of the guns are, so I stuck to just the sawed-off and scythe for the most part. A lot of the gameplay in this was just either kill X amount of enemies or travel through an area and then backtrack out, which was lame. Overall, it was worth playing through, but I probably won't even remember this over the main game.

While it's a funny game that kept me entertained the whole time, the main issue is that the entire game is literally just walking from point A to B. I wish there were more chores to do, as those were the best parts of the game. Walking around smashing people with a sledgehammer or slicing them with the scythe never got old. I'm surprised this game was short enough for me to complete in a single sitting.


This game is much closer to DOOM 2016 than DOOM Eternal in terms of gameplay, which imo is for the better. Instead of breakneck speed and action, DUSK requires meticulous placement and shooting from cover to kill enemies. While you can run and gun, it doesn't feel like the designed way to fight. The story is pretty minimal, but the environmental storytelling is second-to-none.

Episode 2 > 3 > 1, as two had the most unique setpieces and fun missions.

It's weird, because it's both fun and boring at the same time. It has the same vibes as mining in Minecraft: relaxing, but also boring unless you're listening to music or talking to friends. The game feels like it'd be better on higher difficulties, as that has more swarms and actual boss enemies to keep you on your toes, but it just ends up being overwhelming and too difficult for the average player.

Fun for a few hours, but the lack of content and only having 90 seconds of footage means you'll likely run out of things to do after only three quick playthroughs. Being able to record content makes it much funnier than Lethal Company, but there being no skill involved means you can't really do anything besides just dying in front of the camera.

This game was incredibly fun to play. Shooting, exploring, and even just moving around felt so satisfying and fun. This was the first shooter that made me actually want to replay levels to get what I missed, as just flying through levels was awesome. My only gripe was that some of the levels were too long, but that honestly wasn't that big of an issue. I can't wait to see what future updates come out, as I'll definitely be itching to come back to the world of Paradise.

I was scared to play this game because it's one of the lowest rated games on this site, but... it's honestly not bad?? It's like the perfect example of mid. The soundtrack was really good, the cutscenes looked great (except for a few that were super compressed), and honestly the gameplay wasn't that bad minus Classic Sonic. While I am annoyed by the amount of auto-segments and how short the game is, I don't think it deserves a 1.8 rating for that.

A boomer shooter roguelite is quite literally the perfect combination. This is one of the most fun roguelites I've played, even if it gets a little repetitive. No boss variety and the same primary weapons each run does make it run dry a little too soon, but the gameplay and soundtrack make it worth coming back to every time.

Wow, what a fantastic time. I don't think I've played a game that has had this much freedom in movement and gunplay. Flying around the maps while blasting enemies has never felt better in another game. I finally understand why this game is so highly regarded, as even though it's still in early development, there is so much content available that you'll still take a full game's amount of time to complete. I'm eagerly looking forward for the next update.

It's fun, and definitely a great side-mode for the base game. The only problem is that every run just feels the same. Sure, you can hack as the custodian and repair as the engineer, but everything else is almost completely identical. I got through a couple runs, and I think I had my fill.