Very generic and was a slog to play through when I played, but has been recently updated to enhance the experience for new players.

What an absolute trash game, it's a very blatant rehash of FFIV with worse characters, ruining past characters and when they run out of rehashed plots points and boss fights, they throw the un-used bosses into a long gauntlet dungeon that's a chore to play through.

I may come back to update this later, but I really do not like how this game plays. The Gambit system is an incredible system, so incredible in fact that I don't actually have to play the game myself.

I may come back to update this later because I played X-2 badly, but as it stands the story is well below what X had offered, but the gameplay was very good and the sailor moon transformation sequences were great.

I knew the ending was coming and I still wasn't prepared for it.

perfectly standard JRPG, it doesn't excel anywhere but it's not bad in any places either.

Possibly my favourite Final Fantasy game, everything about this is just so great.

This game is so exhilarating and RAW! Having an actual story to play through really helps this game carry some weight, but the most important part is the racing and it's top notch.


A little bit of a step back from Jak 2 but still a fantastic game.


Extremely pure collectathon that has a gorgeous world to explore and smooth responsive controls.

Okami is absolutely perfect in every aspect.

I regret every life decision leading up to this game.

This is such a step down from Transformed, the team mechanics don't add much to the game and the roster really sucks.

The worst game to come from the boost era of Sonic.