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Looks like this is another about how anxiety is overbearing. Kind of expected...

Hey look that redhead girl is talking to us, what is she giving us...


Oh no.

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Welcome to the third dimension, buddy. Took long enough.

That said, half a star had to be taken off for that stupid Extra Hard third stage in the tilt and tumble minigame.

I came in expecting a fun little game about plotting your course and trying to plan in advance.

I got a game where there was cheating husbands, demonic possession, and someone in the game has a fursona, and I love it.

Finally, I can say I have 100%-ed the Alike Studio trilogy.

A nice little fun momentum-based platforming game where you can sling yourself with your tongue. I don't really plan on going back to try and play it again, but I still enjoyed my time.

Yeah, this is some good old fashioned IPhone nostalgia.


“Small Child in Big Scary World” games don’t really appeal to me, and this game really didn’t do anything to disprove that feeling. Sorry to say, but I think that this game is a bit on the overrated side. It’s fine and functional, but I can’t really remember any real highlights. More annoyances about some of the scenarios in the game and how it didn’t really do much for me.

Gotta be honest, I really don’t see the appeal of this franchise when I can get much more fun racing from Mario Kart and Crash Team Racing. There is something there, but I don’t think it’s for me.

I wish I grew up with this game series; maybe than I would be more fond of RPGs and hack and slashes. Now, it’s still a fine game series, but after 10 hours of the first game and not really feeling it get better, I think I’m stepping off the ride for now.

The graphics are great. The writing is good. The world-build is fun…
But goddamnit, the controls are the only thing holding me back from truly enjoying it.

The cave system flat out destroys this game by turning it into a rng bullshit system with dull locations and forgetting all about the timer. While the fact you’re returning to the Pikmin 1 locations, it does end up meaning it doesn’t have that much of a identity as it borrows heavily from Pikmin 1. I’m sorry, but this is the worst Pikmin game in my opinion. Even Hey Pikmin was at least unique and different from the previous games.

Lovely animated and written game all about learning how to move on as your loved ones die, bogged down by the reality of having to routinely go around the ship and do everything, Stardew Valley style. If I get more willing to go through routines, perhaps I’ll come back and finish this.

Eh, it’s fine. I really don’t have anything bad I want to say about it, but I also really can’t point out any real strengths it has. It’s just a nice little collect-a-thon that I have no interest in revisiting.

Yes, it is basically classic Paper Mario rpg style combat. The problem is that I wasn’t a big fan of that gameplay style and I found it to be leagues weaker than Thousand Year Door in terms of writing, animation, graphics, and pretty much everything that really made it fun. If I had to do yet another stupid freeze the water drop and try to knock it around puzzle I’m coming back to knock half a star off this game.

I think I need to play this with friends to get more fun, but even than it just doesn’t look that interesting. Definitely a game made to be played with a group of friends and have the fun bounce off of each other.