Even for someone who doesn't do the hack and slash spectacle fighting game thing all that much, I could feel like something was missing. It's not bad, but the lack of a reliable way to keep tabs on your moves and combos, and just how much the game loves spamming enemies and repeating them made me feel like I had seen enough. It's not bad, but you need to be a real 2D hack-and-slash fan to love it.

Midna is kind of Mid, especially with the series already doing her unwilling/smug partner schtick with Tael and Ezio. As for the game itself, it's ok. I gave it the old college try and may come back again. Zelda just wasn't a series I could get into.

Oh hey, this is pretty fun, even if it's just playing with other random people online. Think I need friends to find the true enjoyment here.


Not worth busting out the Wii U pad for, but if it's already there or on your phones, go ahead.

How did Toy Story 3 end up with such a different game for Xbox and PS3 consoles? I mean if it was DS and 360, I get it, but why screw the PS3 out of a decent Toy Story 3 game?

A nice introduction to the series that is a fun and solid time.

For a silly little tie-in game for the movie, it's still a blast to breeze through every now and then.

Yeah, I definitely can see the appeal here, but it's just not for me.

Nostalgia is heavily at play here as well, but the game is actually pretty good, so that helps.

Can't wait to forget this in a couple of years and try it again only to say "Oh that's why I forgot about it."

More like Quarter’s Quaint Chicanery.

Hey, I didn't know Shantae had a Phillips CD-I game as well!

Pretty damn good, and a fun rouge-like for Splatoon. It's a bit light, and I do have other rouge-likes I still need to finish before grinding for this 100% completion. but still an enjoyable time.

Oh, it's a game that will cost money later on down the line and is more focused on forcing us to spend money for battle passes and what not. No thanks.

Nintendo beaming us in the side of the face with yet another curve ball that only makes sense to them in their books. It's fun, bordering on an 8/10, but that removed score gimmick of the first game does make the levels lose a bit of something. The Time Attacks do their best to cover, even if it isn't the same. Not worth the $50, and if I didn't get a $35 gift card from my mom for Valentine's Day, definitely would have just skipped it. Wait for a sale if you can hold on till the heat death of the universe.