Bendy gets caught and gets some punishment, unlike the TV episode. That alone shoots this up to 10/10 territory. A part of my wild heart that was having continuous storms angry about Bendy escaping the wrath of every single holy deity to ever be considered for being real has finally cleared up and is seeing the sun for the first time in ages. It's just like seeing Charlie Brown kick the football with Spider-Man's help. Pure magic. I laughed. I cried. I stood up and clapped. An absolutely unforgettable experience.


Wait, that's in the sequel. Whoops.

Gameplay-wise, yeah it's a bit rough with level exits not being that distinguish enough till you're up close and facing them, pretty much everyone is out to mess your day up and good luck trying to do the bigger graffiti pieces in one go when everyone is circling them. But damn it, the art style and music and identity this game has is pure rebellion "Rage Against The Machine" delight just makes it super hard to get angry with. Even getting hit by cars and riding on top of them as you recover makes me laugh. It's a game that knows what it is, and that is a fun time riding around on skates and spray painting graffiti while getting the other gangs and forces angry at you.

I managed to pass through the first boss that filtered out over three-fourths of the PS5 players and I am proud of that. Plus it's just a fun time to see how far you can go and what dumb stuff you can get away with the right characters. Gunslinger OP by the way.

I played the Dreamcast version where it's called grind if that makes the difference.

It's a game where I can laugh at the puppets being launched around like ragdolls and then scream in surprise because I missed the one right behind me just because I thought there was a bit more room between the two of us.

Yeah, I’m just not seeing it. I don’t find it as funny as others say it is, the music is more annoying than charming, and the gameplay really didn’t engage me. Also Nern is just unfunny and irritating. When he was about to continue his speech during the campfire scene, I was about to cry, unironically. The music is bland and forgettable to me, and the humor just wasn’t that funny to me. Sorry, but it’s just not my kind of game.

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Realizing Olimar's tale was actually just Pikmin 1 DLC for free was a genuine jumpscare for me.

Leagues better than Yeah, You "Those Games", Right? So Here You Go! Now, Let's See You CLEAR Them!

I mean, it's just those mobile ad games now real. I think you can even find those games on the app store if you dig hard enough. Not worth $10.

Goddamn, this game hits harder on a replay, with you getting to see and know about problems you recall from your first time around, and being surprised and amused all over again with the puzzles that slipped your memory. And with the message of perspective being stronger you get to see how the perspective you had beforehand helped you clear the levels faster and faster, it's a work of art.

Yeah, those caves and how cruel they are with their traps are pretty damn annoying, and that goddamn weight for 100% completion. I did replay this game to 100% completion twice, and I MAY come back to do that, but right now, I'm just happy to be done with the main game.

Got all the ship parts, and after I saw just how these Pikmin control with the AI...yeah, I can see why Jon of TheRunawayGuy wasn't so into it...but still, even with that bug, it's still a great game worth checking out. Just not as good as 3.

It definitely needs a boost of content and modes, stat, if it wants to stay relevant in the long term.

It's not ungodly horrible, but damn it's still insanely rough around the edges. This is the kind of game I think a remake could greatly help out in smoothing out all the faults it has. There's a good game somewhere in these mechanics, but right now, not worth it at all.