The title screen spooked me more than any horror game

I mostly decided to play this because it was teased in Bayonetta 3 and I was curious to see if it makes Bayo 3's story make more sense (it doesn't)
Had an overall good time with it, it's a cute co-op puzzle game with a very striking artstyle but got quite repetitive at times

So I've been following this game for about 2 years no and finally got to play it and must say that it definitely fills that Jet Set Radio void that knowing SEGA could have potentially never been filled. It's hard to talk about this game without mentioning JSR but I feel like it does manage to separate itself from that series with it being more contemporary, having more advanced mechanics and its soundtrack has a different vibe.

I thought the soundtrack was a bit of a mixed bag, a lot of it leans towards the rap genre and I'm not a fan of rap music whatsoever but thankfully you can select music from your phone as it has a playlist feature with music tracks that you find in the world. Ironically the best tracks to me were the Hideki Naganuma ones.

I genuinely wasn't expecting the game to have such a good and engaging story and I was legit hooked to unravel the mystery of what happened to Red and the game is paced well and looks gorgeous.

The level design and gameplay are stellar and reward you for skill and exploration. It's more focused on pulling off tricks and keeping combos going rather than graffiti tagging unlike JSR with the characters having unlimited graffiti but it manages to fill a void left by a cult classic and add so much more.
Would highly recommend

Well, here's the controversial attempt at rebooting Devil May Cry and it's surprisingly pretty damn good. It was interesting to see a western developer handle the DMC franchise and I was pleasantly surprised, once you get over the strange divergence of Dante and Vergil's characterisations both in appearances and personalities you've got a fun game here.
The gameplay is very chaotic, fast-paced and just wants you to have fun and there's nothing wrong with that plus the music gives off that early 2010's indie, grunge vibe that suits the game well.
Admittedly, I think this game is the edgiest of all of the games I've marathoned so far, especially with the very immature dialogue that sounds like an 12-year-old edgelord wrote it but despite this game's faults I had a blast from start to finish although the Vergil's Downfall DLC was pretty shit ngl.
I think everyone gives this game flack due to it being a surreal, jarring contrast to the rest of the series but it's no where near as bad as 2 and there was no part that frustrated me. Plus the Kat character reminded me so much of Raven from Teen Titans and I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Okay so Devil May Cry 4, the first 7th gen DMC game and it's bloody fantastic, pun intended. This is the best DMC game so I've played so far in my marathon, just slightly better than 3.
The gameplay here is top notch and feels absolutely fantastic to master with each character, Nero is so fun to play with his buster arm having special moves for each enemy and boss fight, plus the fact that he's voiced by the same voice actor as Lelouch from Code Geass was just the cherry on top for me.
The campaign has a weird structure to it. Like you play as Nero for the first 11 missions then switch to Dante for missions 12-18 then back to Nero for the last 2. That's one strange way to do it, I thought it was going to be like Bayonetta 3 where you frequently switch between the 3 main characters but I was proven wrong.
I played through the whole of Lady and Trish's campaign and Lady was an absolute powerhouse and on the same level as Nero and Trish was difficult to master but can destroy certain enemies. I only played a Vergil for 2 missions because it's just playing the whole thing again and I just didn't bother with that.
DMC 4 is the best entry so far but what's with Dante getting upstaged in each game? There were some frustrating parts here and there and repeating certain parts was repetitive but GG

Now this is starting to get to the Bayonetta styled gameplay that I know and love. Fair to say that DMC3 is a vast improvement from the prior 2 games having the most fun combat so far. Dante's personality and cocky charm is on full display here but I thought the game was a bit too OTT at times.
This feels like the true sequel to DMC1 despite it being a prequel but you know what I mean. It brings back the multiple weapon styles and techniques as well as being set mostly in one location. The boss fights were top notch and the game's genuinely difficult, the final fight against Vergil was so nerve wracking and was one of the most tense final boss fights I've ever played.
It's not perfect of course, I still found navigation confusing and was disappointed with Vergil's campaign since there's no cutscenes and instead of fighting Dante you fight Red Vergil but he's overpowered as hell.

So I've completed both campaign in this infamous videogame and I can see it deserves its reputation. It had some elements that I thought were improvements from the first game such as swapping weapons mid-battle, going to various locations and had an improved menu system but those are the only positives I can give this along with the soundtrack which is great.
This game feels rushed and is a complete mediocre mess. The combat is just spamming your guns at enemies that never bother to attempt to hit you, the plot which is spread across two campaign makes no sense and it feels uninspired and soulless plus that helicopter boss fight made me want to tear my hair out, one of the worst boss fight I've played through.
Lucia's campaign was a bit better than Dante's one mostly because the helicopter boss isn't in it and it's mercifully shorter (I got through it in one sitting) plus she plays a tad better than Dante who for whatever reason barely speaks.
It's not the worst thing I've ever played, it's just extremely mediocre and I can finally move onto 3

I've just recently completed this and it's okay. I've beaten this twice, once on easy auto and once on normal. I've played the Bayonetta trilogy countless times and found this very basic and the controls were janky but it screams 2000's edge and I love that.
It reminds me of Blade and FFX and its age definitely shows but I eventually got used to the controls and mechanics and had a fun time.
But it was frustrating at times and is very short however I'm in love with the characters already

Probably the most complex and intelligent puzzles in the Portal series, I really had to stop and think about what I was doing. I only looked up guides for about 3 of the 25 test chambers and hope more like this gets made

For years this was the only mobile game that I ever played probably because I'm a huge Sonic the Hedgehog fan plus I always preferred console and PC gaming anyways. Nothing much to say with this, it's just Temple Run but with Sonic characters

This game introduced me to a lot of Batman's extended catalogue of villains as a kid and it's the only LEGO game that I've 100% completed because it's fun.
also I hope you like the Batman 1989 soundtrack because you're gonna hear it a lot in this game

A poorly controlled, overhyped, overrated mess but I can completely understand the impact that it had.
I honestly think that this game has aged pretty poorly and I didn't have that much of a fun time playing it. Similar to The Simpsons Hit and Run I feel like people look at it with rose tinted glasses and it must be the deepest shade of red possible.
Getting Mario to wall jump is awkward and so is throwing Bowser into the mines plus the 100 coin stars are all massive pains in the booties to get. And let's not forget that the 100% completion reward is seeing f***ing Yoshi on top of the castle! Talk about an anti-climax, at least in Crash Bandicoot you get an alternate ending.
I can completely understand that this game was revolutionary and holds a giant legacy as well as paved the way for better games like Galaxy and Odyssey but that doesn't mean that I can't call this game trash because it is.
I feel like the 2004 DS remake improved on a lot of areas and added more spice to it

Actively fixes a lot of common criticisms that BotW had and I had a phenomenal time playing, just when you think Nintendo outdid themselves they do it again here.
The new abilities were fun even if recall was a bit underused, the shrines were solid although not as good as BotW's imo and the Temples return in spades here. The feeling of accomplishment and progression whilst playing is masterful, it encourages you to fight enemies, explore the 3 layers of the world to their fullest and the story and final boss were significantly better.
Plus torturing Koroks is fun!

All of the people who complain about the meddle collecting have serious skill issues, it's almost as if you have to EXPLORE in a game that clearly encourages you to EXPLORE! :0
This game is a serious classic and is still impressive to this day. I don't mind the Werehog, in all honestly I've played worse hack n' slashes, but admittedly the game seriously needs a rerelease/remake since you can tell the poor 7th gen consoles couldn't handle some of this game