Certainly not perfect, but I have so many incredible memories of this masterpiece... Play it when on discount, because it is certainly worth the shot :)

Not a perfect game by any stretch of the imagination, but I enjoyed it a lot !

The perfect fps/ battle royal, go and play it

The dlc is a must have, the game has it's flaws but I enjoyed it a lot

They ruined a flawed game

Play it knowing it


Everything that you could want from a ghostrunner game, it's really ghostrunner 1 but better, more open, more fast, more challenging and yet more forgiving (with new abilities that fit your playstyle)
If you have enjoyed ghostrunner 1, you will like this one too

Poor game controls, for a platformer it is anything but pleasing.
Also, the game poorly explains itself, explaining all of it's mechanics with a LOT of dialogue

Anyway, not reccomended

I absolutly could not play this game, the controls are insanely bad and understanding what you are suppose to do is on you and only you

It's just uninteresting, boring and long

Combat is trash, you just spam attack even on harder difficulties, the exploration is just ok, the story is the "OH MY GOD PUT AN END TO MY MISERIE" type

Anyway, I hated playing this game

Excellent game
It has it's flaws, but it's still a truly unique experience, with a somewhat deep/ interesting storytelling

Fun to play with a friend

It is really short !!
Still an enjoyable experience, but don't hope to spend much more than 2 hours on this game !