Words do not do it justice, a game that is not what it seems, even when you're halfway through it.

I cannot recommend it enough, the experience of putting this plot together had me more invested in near years of theorycrafting for other franchises I love with a passion.

INITIAL REVIEW: As someone just so overwhelmed by fighting games, TEKKEN 8 masterfully continues 7's work in making one of the most fun and accessible one of these yet, with enough depth for the passionate players to master. With a fun rich story, upgraded visuals, energetic gameplay, TEKKEN 8 is one of the best games in 2024.

UPDATE: They ruined it with garbage nonsense.

An absolutely awesome incredible touching personal heartfelt batshit bananas bonkers action-packed story dragged down considerably by an incredibly sluggish battle UI and riddled with odd encounter rates. It's a shame that it took them until Eternal Punishment, its direct sequel, to fix this.

The story while being great, is not imperfect, the inclusion of a certain historical figure as the antagonist is cool until you realise it really is just done for the shock value and is immediately replaced with a much better villain.

I don't know how they did it but they improved upon perfection.

A miserable PSP port of a cool game trying too hard to appeal to an audience that's not going to play it.

A wonderful, long and warm game I have great memories with, while not being perfect, I can hope others also make great memories with it!

This is a video game for sure, incredible story, not a fan of the gameplay even though I realise why mechanics like Fatigue are there and what they represent.

Every moment of this game was punishing yet rewarding, an apocalypse scenario done right, a story that takes riveting turns no matter what route you choose, and gameplay that does not get stale ever. Devil Survivor is a must-play Megaten game.

"There is no way it's that good."

It's that good.

Eternal Punishment in my opinion, is Persona, perfected. Turns the core concept on its head, and still manages to tug the heartstrings while being a perfect end to the Classic Persona trilogy.


Despite its launch, Cyberpunk has proven itself enough in my eyes, an incredible portrayal of a dystopian miserable future and the politics and morality within as seen in Phantom Liberty, the story was never Cyberpunk's issue, and despite it not being any kind of modern masterpiece as advertised, it is now a damn good game worth its price.