The campaign I found to be a bit frustrating because you’re encouraged to play it silently but the enemies detect you super fast and very easily which eliminates that option entirely. At the same time I didn’t find it entertaining enough to bother finish any War Story.
The multiplayer was a miss for me in the first couple of hours but I found that I enjoyed it more when changed from Death Match to any type of large scale combat on my second try, I feel that you die to fast and the maps aren’t that well suited for a small scale like CoD.
Graphically very impressive though.

The campaign is an interesting way of making you play through everything that the game has to offer, from combat to vehicles and it’s quite good actually.
The multiplayer I find still holds up and is fun to play, although at this point it’ll take you forever to unlock everything, but it’s enjoyable and you can find a few servers active.
Also is very beautiful to watch.

[Campaign only]
While the story was somewhat different to other FPS didn’t have enough to make me keep playing, the shooting was ok, the “freeze” in certain contexts shouldn’t work and it’s goofy that it does…

I watched it though.

This is a game that wants to create an atmosphere and wrap you around it but can’t because it’s constantly getting in it’s own way, stopping you from actually exploring.
Doesn’t help that gameplay wise it’s very cumbersome.

Some of the worst companion AI I’ve ever encountered, they don’t do anything, can’t hit anything and let enemies pass them until they’re behind you.
Story wasn’t interesting either and Irish was very annoying.

Ah, the good old times when failing a QTE meant you had to do it all over again.

It holds up well enough but the shooting lacks weight.

A game of its time that right now feels just a bit too old, but with a story that was a bit different from your average military shooter.
DICE should try to go back to this.

It’s a game that understands what it is, a zombie-killing machine and in service of that the story is kinda ridiculous but works, and the characters (some) are funny, same as the main characters (Dani was a blast).
You can have a fun time with this game.

The weapon rooster is limited though, constantly using the same kind of weapons just better versions as you level up which works but would have liked more craziness.


The atmosphere and art direction are fantastic, but that’s all there’s and I wouldn’t have a problem with that if you didn’t have to suffer some frustrating combat moments here and there.

Maybe at the time it was something novel but it didn’t age well, the platforming, the shooting, the beat by beat feels very dated.

Bigger, better and faster. This is a great sequel to Spider-Man and Miles Morales, bigger in many aspects, better polished (as a Spidey game not bugs necessarily lol) and faster in the way you move through NY.
I have only one “problem” with how much of story there’s in the game, too many things happen in so little time even if they all match together nicely it feels TO ME like this could have been either a longer game or a game and an expansion.
Great game though!

In some aspects better than Fallen Order, but even after several patches you can find some visual glitches here and there.
The story is entertaining and at points interesting, wasn’t a fan of the big open world of Koboh, maybe is fatigue from all AAA games being open world but I would have preferred to have several places of the size of Jedah, or maybe it wasn’t just that interesting when it comes to the environment.
Enjoyed Skoova’s stories though.

Can’t say that reaches the highs of Until Dawn but it’s a different kind of story and it’s enjoyable, there’s plenty of ways everything can go south and consequences to track… which also makes it difficult to replay for me because it’s short but not that short.
Still worth it though if you like Supermassive games.

In every way better than the previous game, and a great way to end this saga.