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lpslucasps finished Missile Command
Um bom port de Missile Command. Tão bom quanto a versão de Arcade.

1 hr ago

theia commented on curse's review of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
i def get we're never getting demon's souls back; i think what makes demon's souls so special is that it is so singularly its own thing. still, it'd be nice to see them wipe the board clean and try something completely different in terms of action rpgs, historically they've proven themselves to have the chops to be able to do as much

either way, really interesting perspective!

1 hr ago

lpslucasps finished Missile Command
A última vez que lembro de ter jogado esse game foi no web browser de um computador da escola, lá na sexta ou sétima série. Para o bem e para o mal, o game é exatamente como me lembro dele: dá para passar o tempo.

2 hrs ago

curse finished Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
nothing exists in the lands between without accounting for the player. every enemy's trained all their life to defeat self-proclaimed Souls Vets, clearly at the expense of their shitty kingdoms. everyone from the biggest bosses to the lowliest jobbers have been waiting for this moment: the one where you think you should roll, but ACTUALLY you shouldn't. every fight looks You, The Player in the eye. every fight exists more as reflection of from's relationship with the audience than an entity within an ostensible place or time. if folks were half as serious about lore as the funereal affect in their explanation videos suggested they'd stop talking about shit they read on a sword and start pondering the prevalence of this 4th wall bullshit cos if there's any inhabitance here it's clearly coming from Shinjuku Front Tower

its escalation's self conscious, its default mode's Prank Fuck, and its arms race aspirations are the purest evidence that fromsoft's identity's morphed into a bandai namco marketing slogan, but man I enjoyed it anyway

call it bad praxis but we're never getting demon's souls back so I'm gonna keep playing the dumb ass CBT Rhythm Games if they keep putting stuff like the friendly flame, impaler, and goop horse in there and let me poke around bizarre geographies that screw and coil inward and downward and betweenward for a couple dozen hours. running a bit low on freak masks and cool scythes but I'll live. the microdungeon with the forge was sick, the world design's better than its been since bloodborne, and they only threw in three prolapsed tree spirits instead of fifty so whatever man. they're learning

keep em coming. best dark souls 3 yet

2 hrs ago

lpslucasps finished Skeet Shoot
Atire nos alvos até ficar entediado. No meu caso, por dois minutos.ze

2 hrs ago

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