Probably the only way to enjoy gen 4 pokemon I think

I have a tradition where every now and then I purposefully delete my game just so I can enjoy everything all over again...this time, I kept playing and I have over 100 hours logged on this beautiful childhood memory of a game <3

For a while I would just boot up the game every now and then just to walk around the landscape and mess around after having beaten the game <3

Just moving around in a level is fun like how Breath of the Wild is fun just to mess around in <3

Pretty fun for what it is! It's also pretty short but that's okay :3

Really fun game! I only wish the screen wasn't so blurry from playing on original hardware lol

One of the only Dark Souls games that genuinely filled me with wonder from the first cutscene...I think it's the line:

"But one day you will find yourself before its decrepit gate. Without really knowing why..."

For a moment I felt like a kid discovering a game for the first time and I think I think of this game like Five Nights at Freddy' isn't the game itself but the potential of what could have been that makes the experience feel good, if that makes sense <3

Campaign is just a huge waste of time of false tension that leads into a cliffhanger. Multiplayer is fine

Filling up the pokedex was so addicting! There could have been fixes to the graphics and maybe the game made longer so here's hoping Pokemon Legends ZA will be even better <3

The most okay Gears of War game I think. Missed potential to make a Gears of War: E Day or Gears of War: Pendulum Wars

It was alright but Zelda games in general have a big problem with making me lost tbh...

Never have I seen Gears of War as a franchise try to makes themselves be more like Skyrim?? If it wasn't for the Hivebusters DLC this would have half a star

I swear soulsilver behaves differently than heartgold...regardless, I'll also treasure this game too alongside heartgold <3

The most average Assassin's Creed game. Keeping track of the story is confusing at times and don't like that Ubisoft's idea of replayability is just collectible after collectible

Pretty solid sonic game when you get the hang of tricks and the controls!