One of my most anticipated games in quite awhile, Spiderman 2 was well worth the wait.

While the first half of the game wasn’t wowing me as much as I had hoped, the second half comes on strong in all aspects, gameplay and fanfare being the two strongest points.

At first, I didn’t like how the Spidermen controlled as much as I did in each of their respective games. But, as you unlock more and more of their new abilities it becomes an absolute blast creating combos and using each and every ability in your arsenal. By the end of the game, both Miles and Peter feel better to control than both the other games.

I can’t wait to see what they do next and the story that they manage to tell. Obviously, I knew a lot of what was going to happen during the games story, but that doesn’t stop them from throwing twists and turns and keeping me on my toes. It’ll be a long wait but I’m excited for the future of this series!

Man I needed this game! I haven’t played much over the past couple months for a variety of reasons keeping me busy, but there also hasn’t been anything that has really captured me. I’ve picked up some games here and there, only to set them back down. But the rebirth of Prince of Persia was something I never wanted to put down!

Really good metroidvania, one of the best I’ve played. Great movement, combat, boss battles, exploration, etc.. I really fell in love with this game and the environment it created.

There are some issues, like bugs and some honestly disappointing graphics, but overall I had an amazing time playing this game and discovering everything it had to offer, literally.

I hope Ubisoft continues in this direction for the series, because I will buy every Prince of Persia metroidvania for the rest of time!

It’s crazy home much I like the Megaman X games, and how little I like the “original style” Megaman games. This just isn’t for me. There’s some of them I have more fun with, but this one just seemed kinda bland and heartless. From the forgetful stages, to the super forgetful bosses. The double gear system is an interesting idea, but doesn’t seem too fleshed out.

Also, I haven’t played all the Megaman games but I’m gonna go ahead and guess that bounceman’s stage is the worst one of all time.

There’s a lot to enjoy about potion permit, but it wears on you pretty quickly.

At first, crafting new potions and discovering more of the island are super fun and exciting, just as developing relationships with the residents and upgrading the town are. You are eager to try and mend the strained relationship between moonbury and chemists from an accident that happened before your time, and that’s exciting!

But before too long, you enter the soul crushing farming in this game. You get stuck in a cycle of go out, farm as much as you can in the short day cycles, talk to as many people and do as many quests as you can, and repeat. Unfortunately, the game doesn’t really go beyond this. It is very linear in progression and gameplay, whereas a game it gets compared to a lot, stardew valley, there are seemingly endless possibilities on what you want to accomplish.

There’s a ton of potential here, and I did have a good time, I just have a sour spot for how the mid to late game left me feeling, with no true good ending for all my hard work.

Very fun, innovative, short puzzle game! Glados is constantly making you chuckle as you keep telling yourself “just this last puzzle and I’ll be done”. But before you know it the game is over! I’m very excited to play Portal 2 because everyone I know says that they took what made this game so fun and amped it up to 11.

Originally bought this game for my wife because she had a long work week, but couldn’t help but play through it! It has a ton of charm, some really fun levels, and it’s just plain cute. However, there are some major issues with this game if you like to complete things like myself.

Overall I had a fun time playing, but I don’t see myself going back and getting everything that comes along post game or playing the game again in the future.

An upgrade from the original in every way possible. The humor and back and forth from the main characters had me constantly chucking, the puzzles were more innovative and much more fun to figure out. I love these characters and the mystery of Aperture Labs that you start to unravel as the game goes on.

I can’t believe I waited this long to play these games, and I will definitely be revisited them in the future. I can see why this is regarded as one of the greats!

I wanted to wait awhile to rate this game because I wanted to see if and how the devs would continue to support and update it, and now I am ready to say: Helldivers 2 is one of the greatest co-op shooters I have ever played.

It’s hard to put into words what makes this game so damn special, but I’ll do my best.

First things first, this game got me and my buddies into online gaming again. We haven’t played anything together regularly since Overwatch(the good version) and I was honestly starting to miss the nights where we all got on and played together. We tried a few games here and there, but none of them seemed to capture the online multiplayer magic we were missing. Until now. We are constantly laughing, yelling, communicating, and messing around each and every night we dive, and I don’t see us stopping anytime soon.

The game is just downright fun. I get that shooters aren’t for everyone, but I really got into gaming because of shooters. While they aren’t even close to my favorite genre, I still hold them near and dear to my heart, especially when I find one as fun as this. Even @DVince89, who doesn’t love a lot of shooters, is having a ton of fun with this one. There are so many ways to play because of all the options you have available, from guns and airstrikes, to turrets and different armor perks. Everyone is a bit different and you can really create a good strategy when you are all carrying unique items. Each mission type comes with its own challenges and makes you change your approach each time you drop in, and it even depends on which enemy type you are fighting! I know I’m not doing a great job of selling how fun this game is, but just trust me on this. Get a friend or 2 or 3 and dive in, you’ll have a blast.

I’m so happy to see how Arrowhead is breathing fresh air into the live service genre of games. They are updating this game constantly, not with just bug fixes and QoL improvements, but with hoards of new items, weapons, missions, etc! And the best part, you don’t have to spend a dime for any of it. A lot of the updates come free of charge, but even the Warbonds(think battle pass from Fortnite or similar) can be obtained by just playing the game, because you can collect the in game currency in missions! I spent the original 40 dollars on the game(STEAL by the way) and haven’t spent anymore on it, yet I have every warbond that has been released! Which is another awesome thing about these devs and their continued support. They are releasing a new warbond with weapons, armor, etc.. every month for the foreseeable future, which means I always have something I am working towards!

Last thing I am going to talk about for now, because I could talk about this game for hours. I am typically a person that likes more challenging games. Sure I take a break from that to enjoy a peaceful, slow paced game, but overall I am looking for difficulty. But in this game, it doesn’t matter if you like easy, somewhat challenging, or insanely difficult gameplay because this game offers it all! There are difficulty levels 1-9, so you can truly play at whatever level makes your experience the best. It’s just an awesome feature that a lot of games lack, and I’m here for it!

This game was truly an amazing surprise. It came out of nowhere and now it’s capturing the hearts of soooo many. And the community around it is pretty awesome! I have joined randoms many times and had great experiences with them. I am so excited to see where they take the game from here, and I can’t wait until my next dive into hell.

*this review is sponsored by Super Earth, and paid by its citizens. FOR DEMOCRACY!!

I am so torn on what rating to give this game.

Let’s start on by singing its praises. This game has everything I want in a Metroidvania. Great boss fights, amazing world building and setting, expansive combat system… you get the idea. I also loved how long it takes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for a 6-10 hour metroidvania, but I also appreciate the 15+ ones like this.

The combat steals the show here, as it is the main focus of your abilities. You get a few traversal upgrades along the way, but most of your time is spent unlocking new combos and fighting methods.

I also love how the devs pay homage to the greats that come before it(Metroid, hollowknight, etc..) and even shout out other works that I guess they just like(Akira, Dark souls, etc..)? Pretty cool stuff.

The things I don’t care for in this game are more nitpicky.. but they stand out quite a bit in my opinion. For starters, one of the weapon choices you have(there are three in total) I didn’t use unless I had to. I’m sure some people actually like it and dislike my favorite, but in my opinion it just felt bad to use. Honestly I used the last option you get pretty much the whole time once I unlocked it, so while there is variety, not all of them are created equal.

I also didn’t love the enemy variety. Don’t get me wrong, they introduce a ton of new enemies in this game, but I got pretty bored of the “grunts” by the end. They are the bulk of what you fight and most of them stay the same or vary slightly all the way up until the end.

The voice acting in this game is rough. I’m not sure if it’s because of the way the mouths on the animals are animated, because of the choppy cutscenes, or if it’s just bad. But it’s hard to sit and watch through the forced story cutscenes. Speaking of, this game really tried to force feed you a story, and even more so a backstory that is pretty… tired and boring.

Last negative I’ll talk about is two-fold.. there are some trophies in this game that are absolute slogs to get. This is not helped by the fast travel options that you are presented with. I think they would have be fitted from adding a few more spots throughout the map.

There is a lot to love about this game, and also a ton of ehhh. But that didn’t stop me from wanting to play constantly. I guess that’s the best thing I can say, I really didn’t want to put this game down.

I’m not quite finished yet, but I wanted to give my thoughts on this game for anyone who is on the fence!

Animal Well is an incredibly unique metroidvania, where puzzles and items are the forefront instead of weapons and combat. In true Metroidvania fashion this game is absolutely littered with secrets and treasure to find. Seriously, almost every single room has something to discover, and while that may seem daunting, exploring this beautiful world is so much fun that it never feels like a chore.

The art style of this game is gorgeous. Each and every pixel is so vibrant and “dancing” on the screen. Every room I entered for the first time I stopped to just enjoy what I was seeing.

The items you get in this game are fantastic. Nothing is overpowered, just a small upgrade that helps you with the puzzles. Even then, the puzzles are so well done and creative it might take you awhile to figure out which items to use!

This game is a joy, and it is endlessly replayable. I’m so happen for the Dev and for Dunkey in his first publishing role, because they knocked it out of the park!

At first I was just going to say this game was meh, but now it kinda makes me angry. It’s alright when you are actually allowed to play the game, but all it wants to do is force its contrived bullshit of a story down your throat. I swear half the game I was reading or pressing x to get through text, but it still didn’t managed to make me care about any of it.

Look, it’s great looking, has fun varying environments, and some decent puzzles. The music is pretty good too, and I did have some fun with a few of the bosses. But overall, this was a super linear metroidvania that I didn’t even want to explore all of the way. And what frustrates me is that I think there is a good, fun game buried here somewhere, but it’s not fun digging through everything covering it up.


Adorable, fun, and innovative puzzle game. While there is very little challenge, this 5 or so hour game is a cozy little treat if you are looking to relax from some harder titles!

So this is definitely the weirdest Metroidvania game I’ve played… and I’m here for it! Who would’ve thought that Pinball x Metroidvania would be a good combo?? I mean I love them both, so why not?

Seriously, this game was a blast, so unique, so charming, and a world full of secrets to discover and quests to go on! I also was really digging the music while going through this.

The game can be a little frustrating at certain points, so I will dock some points for that. I also wish that the bosses had more depth. Like make the bosses pinball sets more challenging and have more objectives to do while fighting them.

Overall I was pleasantly surprised by this game and would be happy to play it again!