TLDR: Too many bugs, but still fun with friends.

As much as I admittedly enjoyed this game, I couldn't in good conscience actually recommend it to anyone because of how buggy/janky the game is. Normally I wouldn't care about bugs if the devs had any plan on fixing them, but considering the fact that the sequel to this game has been released, I don't think they plan on fixing any of these.

The bugs include but are not limited to:
-Sometimes you just respawn with 0 hunger 0 water and 0 health, and the plane will be empty, making it near impossible to get your items back in a reasonable amount of time.
-Sometimes you just die. For no reason, you just die.
-Sometimes when you die in certain areas your items are softlocked in an area which you cannot get to without the items you died with.
-Sometimes items will just not spawn where they are supposed to.
-Sometimes player built structures will randomly explode.
-Sometimes when you're bleeding out you instantly bleed out.
-The entire VR experience is basically unplayable.
-You can glitch to the endgame immediately.
-The map and journal will randomly reset, deleting all your written progress.
-Vision in caves is painfully dark (I recommend you turn down your contrast)

There are more bugs than this but I will stop now. Many of these bugs are game ruining, or possibly game ending. I will say that this game can still be fun with friends and I thought that this game was pretty enjoyable, but likely would not be if playing solo. The story was good, the atmosphere was also good (albeit ruined by the bugs a lot), and the core gameplay was pretty addicting.

My favorite Amnesia game. A lot of people ended up not liking the new game mechanics, even calling the game a walking sim, but I think the story more than makes up for it. If you care a lot about story/messages in video games then you will love this one.

Got this game from a bundle and really wasn't expecting much but it is fantastic. The only downside of this game is its controls, but it makes up for it with its above and beyond art, music, story, and boss battles.

hidden gem first person platformer.

Underrated game review bombed by Far Cry fans for being different than its predecessors.

I loved how dream-like the atmosphere of this game was. If you are looking for a point and click puzzle game this is certainly one to consider.

Deciding to not have a fixed cast is probably the worst decision they could have made for this game. Other than that, its pretty much a (EXTREMELY LAGGY) direct downgrade from Watch dogs 2.

-there is one singular notable event that happens in this entire seasons' story.
-same stupid mission every week.
-insanely short story.

Fantastic game ruined by incompetent greedy game developers.
If you have never played D2 and are considering buying a DLC to play it, dont. Trust me.

Amazing game with the best PVP in the whole souls franchise + insane replay value.

everyone knows what BTD is but what makes this game so great is CHIMPS mode, the diversity of towers, and boss events.

An example to all sandbox game devs on how power progression should work.

literally never met a happy person who plays CSGO

endless sandbox potential, its up to the devs right now to polish the game.

Amazing main cast and multilayered level design. There are actually hundreds of ways to go about beating every mission, and it depends on how you spec into the skill tree. I would play this game just for how great the open world is.