adventure capitalist but for sad people

The best narrative ever conceived in a video game.

The game is really fun but the problem is that when you are done playing you sit there contemplating what you actually accomplished with the last X hours of your life.

Bottom of the barrel battle royale, literally play any other battle royale.

Originally plagued by its horrible progression, BTDB2 has since been fixed and the devs are hard at work balancing the game.

Great fan service, lasted a lot longer than I expected. Much better than the main campaign.
Its almost like the game is a lot more fun when the story follows actual characters and I don't have to play as joe shmuck from London.

This game made me realize that the reason I don't like exploration games isn't because I actually dislike them, but rather because they just haven't been doing it right.

Short gross thematic fish game. Free and takes about 20 minutes to beat.

I played this game for so long under the presumption that it gets better later on in the story, so this is only for ARR.

-The gameplay is boring and unbalanced (I spam dragon kick for dps, as it is overpowered)
-Ability variety is lacking compared to other RPGs
-The story is completely braindead and uninteresting.
-Cutscenes are only afforded the occasional model pivot, desynced mouth moving, and RARELY they get shitty voice acting.
-Most ARR multiplayer activities are dead. (can take hours to launch in depending on the time of day)
-Completely lacking thematic and story elements.
-Most enemies are total health sponges.
-The main plotline is filled with so much filler nonsense that it will take so much time to beat even though there is hardly anything going on (I must have spent well over 40 hours doing fetch and delivery quests).
-Monthly sub model.
-They will not shut up about fantasy politics.

If I was forced to think of anything that this game did correctly, I would say that it did a good job doing a cosmetic/transmog system.

Multiplayer horror games, as a whole, is something that is rarely done correctly, because a lot of developers always fall short on either the horror or the multiplayer aspect of it. Some games like Phasmophobia are decent, but they have a weirdly steep learning curve if you ever want to play the harder difficulties; And let's face it, Phasmophobia isn't exactly the pinnacle of polish. The Outlast trials succeeds where a lot of other games don't:

-Actually a horror game (games like Hunt:Showdown and DBD are not horror games fight me)
-Fun with friends, and you can play with randoms if you are alone, (the co-op is optional but still actually integral to the game).
-The monsters have personality.
-While the game becomes less scary over time, you stay for how fun the game is.
-Uses the lore of the other outlast games well.
-Good difficulty ramping, (I still haven't beat the hardest stuff in the game)

I think this game is phenomenal for still being in early access (at the time of writing this), and I think the only thing they really need to add is some more maps and enemy types.

Though the story is equally as good (and depressing) as the main game, I think the way that this game handles exploration is a bit different in the DLC.

One of the reasons why I liked the base game so much was because of the way that it seemed like there was so much to explore, but in reality, they were cleverly guiding you through the solar system so that you wouldn't get lost or overwhelmed. The DLC felt like the exact opposite, I constantly felt lost even though the area I had to explore felt way smaller than the other parts of the solar system. Don't get me wrong, I loved the DLC for its incredibly emotional story, but I don't think it was as good as the main game because of how they handled the exploration.

Didn't play this for long, but seeing as everyone says its a direct downgrade of rebirth I don't see any reason to play it any longer. In addition to that it cannot play in fullscreen without giving your PC a really hard time and has horrible input lag (steam version).

Simplistic battlefield that got worse after people figured out the meta and only started using it. The large maps and playercount, while a novel, don't actually make the game any better than any other battlefield game.