Koyanskaya S3
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Arjuna Alter S1
Arjuna Alter S2
"Destruction and creation are two sides of the same coin. All creation shall undergo vicissitude, and death shall turn back into life. Yet evil is unnecessary in this world of people! MAHAPRALAYA! Humans, you shall live..."
Koyanskaya S1
Support Koyanskaya S1
Arjuna Alter S1
"The light of the planet will be snuffed, and the fate of the people shall be judged. I have succeeded the power of god to fufill the duty. The world will cycle and evil shall be annihilated. MAHAPRALAYA! Return to where you belong..."
Plugsuit Skill
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Oberon S1
Oberon S2
Oberon S3
Arjuna Alter S2
"The light of the planet will be snuffed, and the fate of the people shall be judged. I have succeeded the power of god to fufill the duty. The world will cycle and evil shall be annihilated. MAHAPRALAYA! Return to where you belong..."


i knew this was gonna be rough when i looked at a guide for new players and the first section in it was about how to most efficiently SPEND MONEY

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ngl 80% of this game was an absolutely exhausting and miserable experience. however, i'm giving it one full star by technicality because it went through with the only decision i would've needed a sequel to ai:tsf to make - no longer denying pewter his god given right to flop around and make a fool of himself in the state-mandated silly gay ending dance scene

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"...voice settings? wait, this game doesn't even have any voice acting. why'd they put that there?"

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this game really is a testament to how valuable it is to finish strong. i was SOOOO ready to slap a big fat three star on this game but as i started to put restrictions on my team and complete all the quests and reach the final area i think i had a "oh that's right i love these characters and the toby fox songs and the game's atmosphere and roaming around on my cool digimon lizard and pokemon games" moment

[checks "clown circus pussy tricks twitter into playing a 60 hour mid tier ace attorney game" off my 2022 bingocard]

i dont consider the hunky anime boys in this game to be especially attractive so ive never gotten the urge to become the second person to embezzle 30,000 canadian dollars worth of other people's persona 5 zine money into gacha pulls. maybe if they added a grotesquely buff bara furry that could change

my most blatant nostalgia bias pick because every creative decision made here is objectively unjustifiable but since this was my technically first pokemon game i still get sad when people tear into it. this game sucks but that doesn't stop me from going through postgame gateway colosseum to rank 8 at least once a year

[talking about my favorite arknights operators to my friends] guys! i just spent $20 rolling on the limited time Dishwasher banner, and you won't BELIEVE the 6-star i just pulled! her name is Adderall, and i think she's a hedgehog? i've heard she's amazing in the meta, once she's fully upgraded her s3 is absolutely crazy! itll take a while grinding all the materials i need to get her to e2, should i bench courier for her right away :0?

[talking about my favorite arknights NPCs to my friends] Hypercapitalist McWarCrimeDragon's role in the main story was one of the big things that compelled me through the campaign missions. This story is all about how society reacts to infection and disaster in a time of crisis, and one of the main superpowers of the setting is being lead by a giant ball of political contradiction. McWarCrimeDragon is someone who wants his city to be a haven of equality, but the new sick and their ideals represent an existential threat to that dream. There is no way anyone can justify the inhumanities he orders against the most vulnerable of his city's people once it is time for him to act, and his hubris has caused him to lose sight of the ideals that once motivated him. We must watch as Rhodes Island and every person he cares about all decide to turn away and abandon him as it becomes apparent the sacrifices he had made for his to ensure the prosperity of his city has alienated the people he was trying to protect in the first place - the consequences of his leadership showing off a lot of narrative teeth on what this game wants to say about this war and the justice its people are denied. Also, he should probably get his head chopped off so his wife can be president instead.

happy pride month to whatever parappa and pj had going on in Romantic Love

this was secretly a prequel to subspace emissary

i shall simply refuse to speak about how much the final boss of this baby game repeatedly kicked me in the dick

this may be an average-tier outing for our pink puffball but the game's fun enough i find it sad the mid 2010s canon of "best NES games" never gave kirby's adventure its salt!!! hand the controller to someone under the age of 35 and i promise this is one of the only games on the system that won't horrifically rot and decay in front of them like a shambling undead zombie

kirby in every other game: =D
kirby in this game: =|