really enjoyed, like the idea of how the manual pages you collect help you throughout the game, game can still be cryptic at times, its a solid game, play this blind tho, their are moments in this game that i didnt expect in what i thought was a cute fox action game.

come back in like a year or 2 until more content is added......thats if the game doesnt shut down

Great storymode, fighting is as good as you expect out of NRS, towers are here, invasions is new, decent roster, its a great game

now this was a one man project, so theirs alot i will forgive, but to put it simply, if your a fan of the splinter cell games, you might enjoy this, just know this game is really short, but a unique experience.

The Dream Mech Game, Fromsoftware takes what they learned from the souls franchise, and did what they could for the next Armored core game, really the bosses is probably where they took what they learned from the souls franchise.
-The customization for this game is phenomenal
-Gameplay is smooth
-day 1 the game is very well opitmized
-levels are great
-story is decent
again truly the dream mech game

i think the amount of content this game offers, is probably why its the one i come back to the most, probably my personal favorite

i think this was my last GT game that i fully got into and played alot of, i think it holds up

i remember playing this alot, so much better than the first, great racing game

a really important motorsport game for the time

this was probably one of my favorite games on the 360, out of all the open world rpgs game out there at the time, this one felt really unique somehow, it did a good job reeling me in.

the easiest metroidvania to GET INTO, as for the game itself, it is great, boss fights are great and challenging, progression is good, Emmis i feel slow down the pacing of the game, at the same time they add a horror aspect of the game, kinda. Movements is fast paced, i really like this game alot

i have about 100 hours into this game, and im gonna say confidently best 100 hours ive ever put in a video game

Its like the doom eternal of god of war, literally expanded alot in the combat, enemies and bosses. Also the story is probably one of my favorites stories to

Great story and great combat, amazing game