Eehhhhh, its short, thats one thing

its a classic, and a very important game that was ever made

Wow this game was great, loved it alot.

Great Game, good combat, Great story, good soundtrack, The boss fights DAMN they are AMAZING.
Only problem i have is that the games difficulty might be to easy, like the challenge doesnt increase at all. its a great game tho

a 16 bit contra game to put it simply, however im not a fan of the top down levels, the 2d levels were great, its the top down levels i dont like, regardless its the contra experience.

its a fun game, but i feel the open world is here kinda small though

Majorly improved from the first, all the levels are great and fun, story is great, fantastic game

this is a game i would called "a work of art"

the gameplay in this game is super fun, the story is cool, building your base up is a cool addition, great game, also kojimas last metal gear game

while this is considered the conclusion, i did still enjoy it alot, however some levels i wasnt really fond of. the middle act, so much elements of the games story is thrown at you, but the final act is amazing

alot of new mechanics fitting for the setting, story is great, another amazing game.

the games story has aged beautifully, its also a great game, alot of improvements

This is probably the best game on the SNES, great graphics for the system, gameplay is fantastic, soundtrack is great.